
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Death Touched By Life

" Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? " John 11:25,26

I want to share with you a story that a friend of mine told me this morning about his daughter. His daughter is studying to be an RN and works at a local hospital. The young lady was given charge of an elderly woman who was expected to pass away at anytime. It was her job to take care of this elderly woman day to day. The elderly ladies vital signs had been slowly decreasing when she had a bowel movement.
This young lady, who is a christian, had gone in to clean the woman when she had the unction to say this to her. She told her that she knew she couldn't speak, but she felt that she needed to know that Jesus loved her and accepted her. She told her it didn't matter what she had done or didn't do and even though she couldn't speak that if she said in her mind that she believed in Jesus and received Him that He would accept her. The young lady said it seemed as though that after a few moments the elderly woman's countenance had changed to a peaceful state.
As the my friends daughter began to clean the woman and roll her on her side to do so, the elderly lady passed away. My friends daughter came home that evening saddened by the event of the woman passing as she was turning her. My friend explained to his daughter that she was seeing the event all wrong. He helped her see that the woman's death was not a result of her actions and that she had actually provided something the woman may not have had. Someone to love and care for her in her final moments and allow her to pass with dignity by cleaning her after she had gone.
The young lady had a chance during one of her student classes to relate the event to her teacher and classmates. None of them had a dry eye as she told the story. There the young lady gave her classmates and teacher a reminder of why they do what they do.

Last weekend my wife's grandmother had a stroke and it was thought she was not going to make it. My wife went to Mississippi to be with her grandmother and family. Her grandmother was brought home and put on hospice. My wife, having a hospitality gifting, wanted to stay for the week and take care of any needs her family may have and assist them with her grandmother. She got to spend time with family that we don't get to see often and can only spend a short time with when we visit. It meant a lot to my wife to be able to do this and by the time she had came home her grandmother's condition had improved a little. My wife said she wasn't for sure, but she thought that seeing all the family and everyone being around had done her grandmother some good.

We walk through this life with the knowledge that there is another life beyond our physical senses. There are those who have claimed to have "near death" experiences or visions and have seen glimpses of what is on the other side. Some good and some bad, but most of us for whatever reason have not. Yet, we don't realize how close we come that other side through other people. One young lady helped someone pass with peace and dignity. Another helped ease the possibility of a loved ones passing by bearing certain burdens.
We never know how many lives we are touching because we never see all the faces at once. Through each one of these people, the love of Jesus touched other people. The young lady touched an elderly woman's family and her fellow students who in turn will touch others with her story. My wife touched her family which allowed them to touch each other. Who will Jesus be able to touch through you?

In Christ,