
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here's Your Sign !

I usually don't care for church signs. The reason being that most of the time the messages are bad rip offs of some slogan or they are just plain cheesy. Not to offend any brothers or sisters who may attend a church that has had a sign like that. Every now and then I do see one that is a particularly good one.

I was on my way home and taking a side road when I passed a church who's sign said, "Remember Who You Are". That was it, no scripture, no pointing to Jesus as savior, no reference on going to heaven, just simply "Remember Who You Are".

I think that if there ever was a church sign that actually caused you to stop and think, it would be this one. The reason for that is, the question of who we are is often a big question that we keep seeking the answer for. Some of us think we know who we are and may to an extent. Here is what the Bible says.

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8: 16,17 (KJV)

This verse first says that the Spirit, the Holy Spirit or Spirit of God, confirms or agrees with our spirit that we are children of God. You see when we are born again, saved, or receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our spirit comes alive to Christ and we are set in our place as a child of God. That verse also says that if we are children of God then we are heirs of God. That means we inherit the kingdom and blessings of God. We are brothers and sisters to Jesus and we are to walk/live in the same authority and confidence of that, just like Jesus did. That is who we are.

You may be thinking right now that this couldn't apply to you. You may be thinking that you are born again, but you have a sin problem. Number one, everyone has a sin problem. Sin is in this world and has been since the fall of Adam. Number two, your sin is not what defines who you are. God defines who you are. The word of God and who it says you are defines who you are. I heard a minister say it like this once. " I am a child of God, a minister of the gospel who walks in the power and authority of Jesus Christ, that is who I am, this addiction/sin is just an issue I am having to deal with". Did you get that? Not belittling the seriousness of addictions and sins, but they are not who you are. A drug addict is not who you are, a porn addict is not who you are, those are fleshly things you have to deal with and overcome. Who you are is on the inside of you, in your spirit. Remember when Paul said, " I do the things I don't want to do and don't do the things I want to do"? The things he wanted to do were the things of God the godly desires of his spirit. The things he didn't want to do were those things that his flesh desired to do. How many of us can say we have given in to an addiction or sin only to turn around and say, why did I do that? This may help that understanding.

Anyone who listens to the word and does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does. James 1:23-25 (NIV)

We have to constantly keep the Word of God before us. I know there are times when I have to "recharge" with with the Word. I to can forget who I am and let the Word slip in my life. We can become like a man who is in a row boat rowing up stream against the flow of the water. He can stop rowing and keep going in the same direction for a bit because of the momentum he has built up, but gradually he will slow and be moving with the waters flow. He may still be facing the right direction, but he is traveling backward the entire time. We can be going against the flow of the world and society, but we can become lax in what we believe or begin to tolerate and allow certain things and not realize we have begun to flow with the world.

Folks, in case you haven't noticed, this world is sick. It's heading south faster and faster and taking people that Jesus died for with it. The Bible says that the world is in turmoil looking for the sons of God to appear. The sons' of God are us. We need to shake off the depression and oppression of the world and circumstances that are slowing us down and rise up and remember who we are and fight the good fight of faith. Here's your sign.

" Remember Who You Are "

In Christ,

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