
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mine Enemy Moloch

I am surprised. Really surprised. I would think that something like this would be being talked about or discussed in the Christian circles. I could be wrong it may be some other place with some other people, but not where I usually read and keep up with stuff. Curious??

Let this hit you right between the eyes. I am talking about the astonishing numbers of children who are being killed. I have never in my 39 years heard or seen so many news stories and articles about the deaths of children. The most recent being that of 9 year old Savannah Hardin. Ran to death by her grandmother and stepmother for eating a candy bar when she wasn't supposed to. Whatever happened to a spanking and time out?

This child's story is just the latest. I have took note for at least the past five years of all the headlines concerning the deaths of children. School shootings, parents killing their children, accidental deaths of children. It is enough that caused me to wonder what was going on and believe that it is something spiritual.

The Ammonites were an ancient biblical people who worshiped a demon god named Moloch. The Ammonites sacrificed their children to this demon god. I am unclear as to what the sacrifice's purpose was, but knowing the usual reasons for sacrifice to a god would be simply blessings and favor from the god.

An interesting thing about the sacrifices was this. The sacrifice idol had seven compartments (at least one version of it). A different sacrifice was placed in each compartment. Flour, Turtle-Doves, an Ewe, a Ram , a calf, an ox, and a child.

The idol was heated up red hot and each sacrificial element was burned. The child of course was burned alive. Some forms of the sacrifice idol had outstretched hands to which the children were placed and drums would be beaten loudly as to drowned out the screams of the children.

Now, what would this have so much to do with us today? What would be the connection or spiritual aspect of this?

The demon god Moloch is shown to be a half man, half bull creature. Remember the story of the Minotaur from Greek mythology where the children faced the half man half bull creature in the maze? Where do you think the story originated? More importantly to us, the stock market of today is run by men and it's symbol is the bull. The bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. If you think about it, the abuse or killing of a child is the most evil thing considered that a person can do.

I am not saying that every incident of an abused child or death of a child is about money. I am saying this demon god is demanding his sacrifice and the demonic influence to acquire it is permeating through our society.

Now, let's look at the other sacrificial elements. Flour, would represent food and nourishment. The spiritual feeding and nourishment of children has been taken away in our society and culture and most importantly homes. Parents are not and have not took care for their children's spiritual welfare and are thereby sacrificing them in the name of selfishness.
The next element is turtle-doves. Marriage, the marriage covenant between a man and a woman has been all but obliterated and the ones who were sacrificed for it are children. They pay the price for a broken marriage.
An ewe is the next element. The ewe is a female sheep. The female aspect of a flock or congregation. Now don't crucify me here. Women in church either have had to take the lead because the men haven't or they have been pushed and pressed down as God favored, God chosen, leaders. And who has suffered? The children. Young men in the church need to see what true women of God look like and act like. Young girls in the church need to see what true women of God look like and act like. They need spiritual mothers to lead and guide them and teach them how to become women of God themselves.
A ram is the next element. The ram represents the male sheep. The leaders of the flock. Again, don't crucify me. The male leadership in the church has been beat down, puffed up, and become and embarrassment. Who pays the price? The children. We need be strong, foundationally set, spiritual leaders of our homes and congregations. The big dog mentality needs to get a good rolled up paper whack on the nose. Being a true Godly man is what is desired, but becoming a wet noodle of hypocrisy is what has happened. Manhood and Christ likeness are synonymous.
The next element is a calf. Youth. Youth is celebrated and held aloft. Adults do stuff to try and recapture their youth. Women dress inappropriately. Men flirt inappropriately. There is nothing wrong with being young at heart and nothing wrong with doing and experiencing certain youthful things. The difference is mentality and motive. Who suffers? The children do because they never learn to be proper adults.
The next element is the ox. Work. We either work hard with out proper work ethics or don't work at all. This country is locked up over the free ride thought. We want the money, but don't want to work for it or make the proper sacrifices for it. Time and tithe. Some of us think we are owed it because of who we are and some of us want to take it because of who someone else is. Everything and anything of value was built and sacrificed for. God spoke this world into existence and then sacrificed for us. Aren't you worth it? Who suffers for the lack? The children. The learn to lie, cheat, and steal, to get what they want.
The last element is the child. The blood of the innocent. We sacrifice our children in the name of us. Selfishness. People don't understand that children are a gift. All gifts come with the responsibility of being taken care of. We allow society and culture to preach to our children a twisted gospel. We allow society and culture to influence and enable perversion. We allow fear and selfishness to dictate our lives. Who suffers? The children. Moloch is happy.

There is one more thing I want you to see. I believe a lot of spiritual connections and spiritual things are shown in the physical. I believe one way is through movies. I see spiritual aspects in a lot of movies. Now, I am not trying to ruin any fun or enjoyment of a movie but let's look at the new movie The Hunger Games. I have not seen this movie, and only know what I have read. I have seen the book for a while, but never knew what they were about. Feel free to correct any informational error I may make. I will be honest and correct it publicly. From what I have read the movie is about a future society in which there is a yearly "tribute" made. The tribute is a select child or several children. These children compete in a game and kill each other. I have read that there is concern over the portrayal of children killing each other.
When I read this, it was the final mark for me to write this article. A movie portraying children as sacrifices and killing each other. Personally I am not sure I will see this movie. It does scream loudly to me the spiritual events of our current time.
When I had my two girls, I determined they would grow up knowing their parents loved them. That is one thing other than believing in God that I did not want them to ever question. My heart aches every time I see the headlines of abused, and killed children.

I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say this. I am warrior. God has intended and destined me to be one since birth. I have had struggles and battles through out my life. Often I have wanted to walk away and give up. The battle for my children, any child, is one to which I gladly take up my sword and run to. I am not a children's minister or pastor but I do not have to be, nor do you. Satan is killing the seed through the fathers. If he can stop us, he can stop them. I speak to every mother and father who reads this. Get up, rise up, stand up, man up, woman up, father up, and mother up, and take responsibility for your children. I will forever seek to destroy Mine Enemy Moloch.

In Christ,

Take The Day !!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah well done! This is a fine and relevant piece. Well researched and full of original insights. This symbolism for me would never have come to mind. Well researched. It truly is a prevalent problem in the world today and a sickening one at that. This should not be and a spiritual backdrop is certainly a possibility. I like what you've written here.
