
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Praying For Porn

Ok, be honest. Did the title get you? Maybe for a second.

I don't have have to tell you that pornography is an epidemic.  In our society today, we are constantly bombarded with sexual images.  Not all pornographic as some would suppose, but all which (at least in my opinion) are teasing enticements which lead to the harder stuff.  To me anything that causes sexual excitement in an un-healthy way and is a catalyst for un-healthy fantasies and actions is pornography. 

The effects of pornography on someones life can be devastating.  A person who has been consumed by pornography often thinks of nothing else.  They are are on an endless quest for sexual excitement.  I believe also some people bound by pornography and who keep seeking it are in reality seeking an intimacy they may have never had.  Now, they are using pornography to try and fill that void.  The big problem is that after so long the effects of pornography have distorted the thought processes and the emotional feelings so much that finding that true intimacy that was once desired becomes even more difficult.

An addiction to pornography is an extremely hard thing to break especially if the addiction had lasted for many years.  It (pornography) is like tar.  It sticks and covers and is not easily removed.

The question I have, which is the basis for this article, is has anyone ever thought to pray for those who are involved in the production of pornography?  The film, magazine, and website producers.  The actors and actress' and models?  I know somewhere someone probably has, but it is not a common thought.  We tend to see these people as the enemy instead of victims of a perversion as well.  We need to remember that it is not flesh and blood that is our enemy, but the demonic influence that is truly behind it. 

If we begin to see these people as God sees them, lost souls deceived by demonic forces, then that makes them the same as us.  Every person in the pornography industry has a greater purpose for which God created them.  I can be honest and say that I have seen pornography in basically every form it comes in.  The internet is an endless supply, an endless free supply.  But when I think about the billions and billions of different avenues of pornography, I think about the billions and billions of people that it took to make all those different videos and magazines and websites.  That is a lot of people who have not experienced the true love of Jesus Christ.

So how would we pray for them?  We often consider those people as unreachable.  We think have the thought that any prayer for them will do no good.  This is a lie of the devil.  It is really not our concern whether our prayers have worked or had any effect. That is God's department.  Our department is to pray.  Pray for their salvation and deliverance.  Pray for their hearts to be softened and opened to the love of God, which is truly what they seek.

" The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised." Luke 4:18

In this verse Jesus is reading scripture in the synagogue and this scripture was speaking of him. But now if we have received Jesus and he lives in us, through us, then this scripture applies to us. The Spirit of God is upon us because he has given us power to declare the good news that will heal the brokenhearted and deliver those  captured by sin and give sight to those blinded by the enemy and provide freedom to those who do not believe they can be free. 

Pornography is an ugly stain in the lives of those it has infected. But with the power of Jesus and faith in God, it is a stain that can be removed.  It can be removed from those who are addicted and it can be removed from those who produce it.  A new strategy in the war for the lives of our families. Praying for porn.

In Christ,