
Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 Second Eternity: The World Needs A Hero

 I guess it's safe to say that if not all of Alabama, at least North Central and up felt and is still feeling the overwhelming impact of the tornado's that came through on April 27th.  People's lives have been turned upside down by the loss of property and more importantly the loss of life.  To date, I believe there are still a great number of people unaccounted for.  It is a shocking thing to see the devastation of areas that were hit. It is even more so if you see it first hand and not on tv. 

Alabamians have risen to the task of helping and providing for those who have had there lives suddenly interrupted by natures fury.  It is times like this that tug at my heart. When I see people from every color and creed not caring about such, just reaching out to help someone or help save someone.  When the twin towers in New York were destroyed on 9/11, my heart ached at the loss of life, but my heart cried at the banding together of people to dig out possible survivors and to help the injured.  The same is true for the destruction from the tornado's. 

I have heard this statement a couple of times over the past few weeks since the storms.  "30 seconds", "That's all it was, but that 30 seconds felt like an eternity".  Indeed when we are in fearful situations, time seems to slow down or stop. We want the situation to be over, but it feels like will be forever.

The tornado's that came through Alabama and surrounding states were some of the most fierce that we have ever seen. Hearing the stories and recounts of events, it seemed that nothing or no one would have been safe from the wrath of these storms. It's hard to say that only God could have saved someone from storms such as this and indeed I believe there were those who were protected. There were also those who were not and that includes children and a great Christian couple from my church who did not survive. I am going to be straight forward and honest and say I cannot answer that question. I cannot answer why some perished and others survived. Why did God allow this and not that. I don't know and would be amazed at anyone who thinks they do. I can say however, that I do not believe God caused the storms. It was not an "Act of God". I do believe there were spiritual things behind them. I believe there are spiritual things behind the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, tsunami in Haiti and hurricane Katrina.

Mathew 24:7
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

I believe we are seeing this verse come to life. I am not trying to be a doom and gloom preacher, nor do I want to be, but the truth is the truth and more so when it comes from God's Word.

In recent years we have seen movie's about the end of the world or mass destruction. 2012 is the most recent I know of. I have always believed that spiritual things will often appear in the physical. What I mean is when you see a pattern of something in movies and tv etc. that the same or similar situation will happen in reality. Kind of like the movie or tv show is the prophetic precursor to what is coming. Now that is just Kevin thought, meaning I could be wrong. Always go by what the bible says and not me. People can mistakes and thoughts don't always hold up.

Besides movies and tv shows of disasters, we have also seen many taken from the pages of comic books. The X-Men, Superman, Spiderman, and most recently Thor. The world wants a hero. I believe that people whether they realize it are not are crying out for a savior. Someone who has the power and the strength to set the world straight and protect us from evil.

Our problem as people/ human is that we tend to miss what is right in front of us. Sometimes we don't see the forrest for the trees. As I stated before, I cried on 9/11 not at the destruction and death, but at the selflessness of the people coming together to rescue the trapped and injured. I was moved on April 27th after the storms when people were digging out victims of the destruction. There was no color, no creed, no religion, no denomination that got in the way of compassion.

My wife and I watched the series Smallville. The story of Superman through his teenage and young adult years. Through out the series Clark Kent faced trial after trial on his journey to becoming the Man of Steel. Technically he was always the man of steel already having all his super powers. At the series end Clark was to face Darkside the ultimate evil who was going to take over the world and enslave the people. Darkside had marked those who had a dark side in them or sin. He marked them on their forehead with an omega symbol for the end. See anything there? At the end Clark had to realize who he was and what his destiny was and give the people hope. When he did this the symbols disappeared from their heads and Clark/Superman defeated Darkside.

The world is looking for a hero, but what they don't see is that the worlds hero has already came and has already defeated evil. Jesus Christ the son of God, Warrior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Creator of the Universe. He came, saw, and kicked Satan's.....hiney. His love and compassion led Him to the cross to be the sacrifice and salvation of the world.

John 3:17,18
"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Jesus may not be here physically. The bible says he sits at the right hand of the Father, but He is still with us and in us and His love and compassion become evident. Jesus is the true hero, but He has given us His power. Whenever a fireman rushes into a building to save someone. That is our hero. Whenever a police officer serves and protects. That is our hero. Whenever a rescue worker helps someone in need. That is our hero. Whenever a soldier defends his country. That is our hero. Whenever someone helps someone they don't know. That is our hero. When someone pulls someone out of a collapsed building. That is our hero.

You see, with the love and compassion of God in us through Jesus. We are the hero, but we couldn't be that hero without the true hero of Jesus.

In that 30 second eternity that we experience and we are afraid and we are crying out for a hero. We have to realize that our hero is with us no matter what the outcome. God is with us wherever we are, in whatever we are in. We don't see Him, but he is there. When it's over and we need help, His hand reaches out in the hands of each individual who races to the rescue. In our lives of 30 second eternities, we need Jesus our hero.

In Christ,

Take The Day !!