
Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 4

4. The Cowboy

Have you ever played cowboys and indians? Most kids wanted to be the cowboy. They wanted to be the Lone Ranger, The Duke, or Clint Eastwood. Those guys made it look easy and exciting. Riding the range fighting outlaws and getting the girl.
I don't know what to call it, but there was always something in me a kin to cowboys and indians. I do have native american heritage, although you couldn't tell it by looking at me and it always felt good and natural whenever I had the chance to strap a gun to my hip.
The leader of a ministry I used to be with wanted to film a western type movie one time, I actually helped him write some of the script and novel it was going to be based on. I borrowed a gun and holster from my father in-law and me and this minister friend of mine practiced quick draw on each other just for fun. He had practiced for years and was pretty quick.
Being a cowboy is not all about sheriffs, outlaws, and quick draws. A husband and father has to take on the attributes of a true cowboy from time to time.
Rough and rugged, sometimes both physically and emotionally, the cowboy whethers the elements to take care of and tend to his land and his animals. He has to keep predators from his herds. The cowboy takes care of his business and sometimes helps his neighbors take care of theirs. The cowboy protects what belongs to him. The cowboy is the one to face the danger of outlaws and ride into the hills to find a lost calf or hunt down a predator that has been killing off his animals. It's not an easy life the cowboy lives but it is his life he lives for.
The cowboy tries not to let much bother him. He trusts what he knows and knows what he can trust. Underneath the tough exterior of the cowboy is the heart that drives him. His love and passion for his family and his way of life. A real man, the cowboy treats a woman like a lady. He's firm yet loving to his children and teaches them what he knows.
Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson had a song called "Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys". Well there is nothing wrong with being a cowboy as long as you are a real/right kind of cowboy. " Cowboy Up !!!"

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 3

3. The Doctor

A real man has to be the healer of his family. Not just physically with bumps and bruises, but spiritually and emotionally. Now, I know that God is our absolute healer, what I mean is that the man as head of the household must allow God to work through him in this manner toward his family.
Being the doctor of your family is sometimes like being a real doctor. You have to recognize symptoms and be able to diagnose any illness and prescribe what is needed to cure it. During our marriage, there have been moments when I have had to use discernment for an issue and reveal the root of it and prescribe the medicine of the word. For just an example, an issue of sleeplessness caused by unresolved anger. The cure is simply to forgive by faith and do your best to make the situation right. Just like real doctors, this may sometimes call for consultations with other doctors who have faced the same things.
The husband and father must take care of the spiritual well being of his family, making sure they are spiritually well. The doctor of the family must do his best to take preventive measures. Keeping things from the family that could potentiall cause harm and sickness.
Like real doctors this often a job that requires overtime of prayer and study. Doctors never quit learning, likewise we as husbands, fathers, and disciples must never quit learning. If I had quit learning years ago, I would not have had the knowledge and insight to deal with some of the circumstances I have faced with my family today.
You may not have a D.M. or P.H.D. from an acredited medical school, but you can have one from the best spiritual medical school their is. God's medical school of the bible. I encourage you to dig into the word and find books by ministers that deal with situations you face personally and familywise.

In Christ, Kevin

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt.2

2. The Policeman

A man has to be a the policeman of the family. He has to keep peace and order in the home. A policeman's motto is " To Protect and To Serve ". The policeman has to protect his family and serve the community that is his family.
Being the policeman of the family can sometimes be a hard job. It's hard because when the husband and father has to put on the mantle of policeman, he sometimes makes himself the bad guy, even if it is for the right reasons. Some people don't like policemen and want to complain about the way they do things. Basically, what they are really upset about is the fact they aren't being allowed to do wrong and get away with it. That's the reason you have people who oppose Christians and anything moral. They want to be able to sin and get away with it.
As the policeman a man has to assert his authority. He has to hold his position of authority and inforce/backup his authority with out forcing his authority. When he sees a potential situation he has to step in and put a stop to it. When there is a situation, i.e. between children, he has to find out the facts like a policeman would and then decide the proper course of action.
It is the policeman's job to protect citizens from anything criminal. This could translate into protecting the innocence of his family from " criminal/immoral " things.
I had the privilage of spending a week and a half with a friend of mine who was the police chief of a town near where I live. During that week I was present when someone who had commited a crime was confronted and dealt with in an easy yet lawful manner. I was privey to an on going investigation of a crime. I helped in the search for a potentially dangerous escapee. All these things were in the confines of a policemans duty to "Protect and Serve". We as men must take our places as the policeman, as the just authority of the home and as the policeman be an example of those things.

In Christ, Kevin

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt.1

When we are little boys, we all dream of what we want to be when we grow up. Firefighter, policeman, astronaught, etc. Sometimes we change those ideas or sadly let them go. What we don't realize is that when we do grow up and start a family that regardless of our real profession, is that we have to be all of these people. Not at the same time nor in any particular order, but as the need arises. I have chosen seven men that I believe a man has to be in his life and to his family. The first man is the firefighter.

1. The Firefighter

The idea of the firefighter came from a commercial I saw for the Kirk Cameron movie "Fireproof". I have not yet seen this movie, but here is what ispired me. In the clip Kirk Cameron's character and another are sitting at a table. Kirks friend makes a statement to him like this. " You will rush into a burning building and risk your life for people you don't even know, but you won't try to save your own family".
I thought about this statement and how it pertained to the attitude of divorce we see currently. I know of people whom I never would have thought about them getting divorced that have called it quits.
This is why I believe the firefighter is a needed characteristic among men. The man of the family as the firefighter must learn where and when and what to do to put out fires that can break forth in his family. These fires can be anything from a small disagreement that could potentially become a big arguement to living issues such as bills and payments that may come up unexpectedly. At my job we have a term that we use when issues arise that need immediate attention before they become bigger issues. The term we use is "Putting out fires".
When a firefighter is putting out a fire, he doesn't spray water on the flames. Spraying water on just the flames won't put the fire out. He has to focus the spray of water at the base of the flames to extinguish it. This is kinda like an example of the family. When there is an issue, you must get to the base or root of it to solve it. Lots of people/families will think they have solved an issue or problem because they cease to see smoke or flames, when in reality there is still smoldering coals that could flare up again. Hot coals from a fire can burn long after the absence of smoke and flame. Men, don't avoid those little sparks or that breif smell of smoke. Ladies, women can be firefighters to. Take your places at Fire Station No. 1. Your family.

In Christ, Kevin

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Going Green With God

Going Green or being earth conscious is not a new idea, it has been around for years, just under another name. Environmentalism. People who associate themsleves with the term environmentalist are usually lumped together as certain types of people. Tree huggers, flower children, sandal wearers, etc. They are also thought of as environmental extremeists or enviromental terrorists. People who care so much for " Mother Earth " they are willing to do anything to stop abuses on the environment, even if it means harm to other people.
Most people who are christians or christ followers tend to look upon environmentalists in a not so approving light. Likewise evironmentalists do the same in return.
A while back while working in children'########## I met a young lady who had just started attending our church. In the midst of conversation she stated that she was a vegetarian. Now I have to admit this took me a bit by surprise, only by the fact that you normally don't find vegetarians in church, at least I don't, let alone in a geografical location where the harvesting of deer and eating steak is a way of life. Now I must say that to the extent of vegetarian this young lady was I do not know and I as much as I am ashamed to admit it, due to the fact I am a carnivore all the way, those ill thoughts of vegetarian animal rights fanatics started to cros my mind. Don't hate me yet though, I believe God used this to help spur my thoughts toward His truth on the matter, which is that basis of this article. How does God feel about going green?
I believe God is an evironmentalist. Genisis 1:1 says that " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Genisis chapter one is all about God creating the earth and the environment. In Genisis 1:26, God gives dominion of His creation to man. God's command for man to replenish and subdue the earth is proof that God wants us as decendants and heirs to the creation to carry on the duty of caretaker.
Let me try to make this truth clear. Who's right and who's wrong. Both. You see, on the side of hunters, industry and progress, it is our responsibility to take precautions that we do not do irreparable damage to wildlife and natural resources that God has given us. On the other side of the coin so to speak, as evironmentalists we should never put the value of animal or plant life above that of humans.
I believe the passion for the environment that environmentalist carry is a God given attribute, just mis-aligned and often misplaced. I believe progression toward the future world cannot be achieved without industry to build for the future but not at the expense of our world now.
Is this fence sitting? Not at all. It's living the truth of God's intentions for man. Its good stewardship.