
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Going Green With God

Going Green or being earth conscious is not a new idea, it has been around for years, just under another name. Environmentalism. People who associate themsleves with the term environmentalist are usually lumped together as certain types of people. Tree huggers, flower children, sandal wearers, etc. They are also thought of as environmental extremeists or enviromental terrorists. People who care so much for " Mother Earth " they are willing to do anything to stop abuses on the environment, even if it means harm to other people.
Most people who are christians or christ followers tend to look upon environmentalists in a not so approving light. Likewise evironmentalists do the same in return.
A while back while working in children'########## I met a young lady who had just started attending our church. In the midst of conversation she stated that she was a vegetarian. Now I have to admit this took me a bit by surprise, only by the fact that you normally don't find vegetarians in church, at least I don't, let alone in a geografical location where the harvesting of deer and eating steak is a way of life. Now I must say that to the extent of vegetarian this young lady was I do not know and I as much as I am ashamed to admit it, due to the fact I am a carnivore all the way, those ill thoughts of vegetarian animal rights fanatics started to cros my mind. Don't hate me yet though, I believe God used this to help spur my thoughts toward His truth on the matter, which is that basis of this article. How does God feel about going green?
I believe God is an evironmentalist. Genisis 1:1 says that " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Genisis chapter one is all about God creating the earth and the environment. In Genisis 1:26, God gives dominion of His creation to man. God's command for man to replenish and subdue the earth is proof that God wants us as decendants and heirs to the creation to carry on the duty of caretaker.
Let me try to make this truth clear. Who's right and who's wrong. Both. You see, on the side of hunters, industry and progress, it is our responsibility to take precautions that we do not do irreparable damage to wildlife and natural resources that God has given us. On the other side of the coin so to speak, as evironmentalists we should never put the value of animal or plant life above that of humans.
I believe the passion for the environment that environmentalist carry is a God given attribute, just mis-aligned and often misplaced. I believe progression toward the future world cannot be achieved without industry to build for the future but not at the expense of our world now.
Is this fence sitting? Not at all. It's living the truth of God's intentions for man. Its good stewardship.

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