
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ministry Update

Hello, and welcome to For This Cause Ministries. Decided to start doing ministry update since it has been so long since my last article. I have not been impressed to write about any particular subject as of late. I like to write articles that I specifically feel God has impressed upon me to write. I usually feel a sense of urgency with these types of articles. That doesn't mean I won't write an article that I have not felt an impression to write. I have had issues and titles run through my thoughts lately and also I have the beginnings of articles that I could finish. I just like it better when I feel the impression from God, because the article seems to flow better and quicker. I also have not had a new article for a while because of a busy schedule and I have been teaching classes for Global Church Network School of Ministry, which is a bible school founded by my pastor.
There will be new articles coming soon for both For This Cause and for Leadership Up. I also am thinking about starting a new section of articles for For This Cause aimed at teens called Amp or Amped.
Lastly if there is a subject that you would like to know about, just leave a comment in the comment box provided at the end of this update. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

In Christ,

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