
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Shut The Hell Up!!

So, have you every wanted to say that to someone?  Have you ever said that to someone?  You don't have to answer.  I am sure that at some time we all have said it, thought it, or had it said to us.  Let's think really what would or should it actually mean to shut the hell up?

In my last post from the AMP'D series, I mentioned different voices that want our listening attention. One of those voices is the voice of the world.  Since the fall of Adam, the world that was created and designed for us has been turned upside down and infected with sin.  Adam's sin of disobedience transferred his God given authority to Lucifer and opened the door for corruption and chaos.  Jesus paid the price for Adam's sin and ours by laying down his life on the cross.  By doing this Jesus bought back the authority that Adam had given to Lucifer.

Even though Jesus had paid the price and bought back our authority, the damage was done. Sin still permeated through out the world.  The difference now is that instead of us being subject to the sin and chaos, it is actually subject to us.  We as sons and daughters of God either have not realized this or do not believe it.  Carnal thinking hinders and limits the work of God in our lives. 

The hell that I am speaking about shutting up, is the hell that comes into our lives.  Attacks from the enemy in whatever form they may take.  If you turn on the news or keep up with current political and social happenings you know that it seems like one bad thing after another.  I am all for keeping up with what's going on around us as pertains to the world, we shouldn't bury our heads in the sand and wait for the day it will go away by no means.  But, day after day listening to the constant influx of worldly turmoil will begin to affect your mind and well being and then eventually that of those around you.  Take me for instance.  I read headlines and listen to the occasional news story on tv, but I don't do it constantly.  I especially try to avoid news shows because certain things cause such an anger on the inside of me that it puts me in a bad mood, which then affects my family.  Ephesians 4:26,27 says, to be angry and sin not and don't give place to the devil.  Being angry is one thing, Jesus was angry at times, but when that anger motivates you to sin i.e. cursing or becoming dangerously violent, then there is an issue.  If that occurs you have done the second part of the verse and given place to the devil's influence.

We have to realize the power and authority that has been given to us. 

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.  Luke 10:19

You see, everything that is negative that comes against you bombarding your life is seeking to kill you, steal from you, and destroy you, but you have the power and the authority through Jesus from God to stop it. 

Where I live it is very wooded and we have found scorpions in our house on numerous occasions.  When we see a scorpion I immediately take something and kill it.  I don't just let it go, I don't try to gently scoot it along out of the way with my fingers, I kill it.  When the hell of life begins to bombard us, we should immediately kill it.  Shut it's voice up.  Satan wants to speak into our lives death and destruction by manipulating our emotions and thoughts and how we react to them.  We have to consciously make a stand and speak to the situations around us.  In Luke 17:6 and Mark 11:23, we are told to speak in faith to circumstances and they must obey us ( paraphrase ).

The constant negativity of the world and the things that are happening in it and the things that happen in your life and to you are never things that are impossible to overcome.  We can overcome because Christ has already overcome it.  If Jesus had not paid the price of sin and regained our authority, we would have no hope.  Because of his sacrifice, we now have our God given power and authority in Him and have just cause to tell the world to "Shut the hell up!" .

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I love it. It's novel. "'Shut the hell up!' In Christ, Kevin" It's true what you are saying. It's good that when we tell it to shut up, it has to in Jesus' name. Praise God for authority and freedom.
