
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hollywood Death Machine

Hooray for Hollywood
You may be homely in your neighbourhood
But if you think that you can be an actor, see Mr. Factor
He'll make a monkey look good
Within a half an hour you'll look like Tyrone Power
Hooray for Hollywood

That's part of the lyrics to the song "Hooray For Hollywood" which first debut in the 1937 film "Hollywood Hotel".  The song was actually a kind of in fun satire of the Hollywood film industry at the time.  The tune is now more recognizable than the actual lyrics themselves.  Most people probably wouldn't understand the songs references today, wikipedia will be your friend if you want to know. 

With out a doubt, the Hollywood of today is not the Hollywood of yesteryear.  Things that were edgy then and shocking are less than that today.  Numerous songs and movies about people abandoning all to move to L.A. to pursue their dreams of being actors and actress', singers and entertainers, have been made.  The comedies and the tragedies, art imitating life. 

Hollywood has been adept at changing lives for better or for worse.  Within the last few years or so, I believe we are seeing how Hollywood is changing lives for the worse.  Of course the first examples I think of are Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, and Miley Cyrus.  But, let's consider the divorces, the deaths, the political ramblings and activism.  As Christian singer Carmen put it in his song "Soap Song", gone are the days of "Leave It To Beaver, Matt Dillon and his sidekick Festus".  Again, wikipedia will be your friend. 

Oh, I know that Hollywood has never been perfect.  Expose programs tell you that.  You find out things about celebrities that you really wished you hadn't.  The hedonistic this is what we all do somehow someway if you do it's ok and if you don't then go away lifestyle of the people of the silver screen and vinyl discs (wikipedia) is shown without rereservation today. 

Don't get me wrong.  I like movies and music, but let's not forget that those things that appeal to the flesh are those things that Satan uses to kill, steal, and destroy.  Think about it.  Think about Lindsey, Britney, and Miley.  All have started out with fresh faced innocence only to be prostituted and marred and scarred by scandal all for the greed of someone else.  Shame on their parents for letting it happen to them, shame on them for keeping it, and shame on us for buying it. 

(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
Philippians 3:18,19

It is sad to see older stars and celebrities hardened set in their ways and lifestyles and it equally sad to see young stars and celebrities on the road to becoming that way.  I am sure if they were to be completely honest, they would say the lights of Hollywood don't shine as bright as they did on their tv screens.  The god of greed, fame and fortune feed their belly's with an unsatisfying meal.  Their glory comes only in the shame of scandal which have become badges of honor. 

Countless people have fallen prey to the Hollywood dream and not all of them are the celebrities we adore.  They are often us.  In our quest for fulfillment, our need for escape, and want of a different life than what we have, we cast ourselves at the feet of entertainment.  We spend our money for DVDs and Cd's and the better cable package. (raised hand) Guilty.  It's not just the Lindsey's and Britney's, the Heath Ledger's and Charlie Sheen's that Satan is after with the weapon of Hollywood.  He was looking for a billion souls with one shot. 

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:1,2

Only by the application of the Word of God to our lives can we expect to prosper in anything.  Only by realizing that things have a hold on us and not us on them and choosing to break free can we avoid the enemies traps. I believe unless or until God tells you someone is unreachable their is a chance, a hope. That means there is hope for Hollywood.  When we realize that Satan nor Hollywood is bigger than God or God in us, we can destroy the Hollywood Death Machine. 

In Christ, 

1 comment:

  1. I'm watching the Oscar's as I read, the primest example of the Hollywood Death Machine there is. It's full of moral filth anyone can see that. We put so much stock and time into entertainment. In most instances it's unhealthy. I'm not saying no good can come from it of course. Here is a well done warning. What we have on earth is not what we should invest our thoughts and feelings in, but to things above. That's the big thing I get here. (As an added bonus I didn't have to Wikipedia Leave it to Beaver or Gunsmoke). Keep doing what you're doing!
