
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hell? Let's Just Settle It.

The reality of hell is becoming a hot topic of late (pun intended).  I have encountered at least two beliefs, one that states all people are saved because of Jesus' sacrifice and won't go to hell and the other states that those who go to hell won't stay there for eternity.  Of course these are not the only views of hell I have ever heard of or that exists.  Some think we are currently living in hell and at times I almost feel inclined to agree with them.  Some think that hell does not exist at all. 

I have to be honest and say that I wonder sometimes what bible people are reading.  I don't mean to be condescending, and I am all for discussion and different views and interpretation of scripture as long as it is held within the confines of the scripture.  What I mean is the absolute answer to any discussion in the end should be the scripture itself.  Until God reveals it to you or the understanding is brought to light, take it in a literal context.  So what I would like to offer are some rebuttals as it were to statements being made concerning hell. 

The first thing we should realize is that Satan is at work doing the same thing he's done since Adam and Eve.  Deceiving.  Satan deceived Eve in two ways.  First he questioned God's word.  He said, "Has God said you shouldn't eat of this tree?" (paraphrase).  He questioned what God said, he questioned the Word.  Today, it would be, the bible doesn't say homosexuality is a sin. The bible doesn't say people will spend eternity in hell? 

Questions in the form of statements that are designed to cause the listener to doubt the truth of what they know.  Eve however, refuted Satan with "Yes God did say we couldn't eat of that tree".  She was firm on what she knew to be true.  Satan then hit her with this.  He said, "God doesn't want you to eat of that tree because he knows if you do then you will be like him and he won't be able to control you." (paraphrase).  He did a character assassination against God and planted a seed of distrust in Eve against God's intentions toward Adam and her.  The seeds of doubt and distrust produced the fruit of rebellion.  Satan's very sin.

So allow me to tackle a couple of questions (statements).

1. Why would a caring and loving God send anyone to hell.
True. God is a loving and caring God and wouldn't send anyone to hell.  People send themselves their by their own choice to reject Jesus. 

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."  John 3:16-17

You see, what people are leaving out is the "choice" part. The part where responsibility is put on our shoulders.  People don't want responsibility for their choices or rather they don't want consequences to their choices.  So, no hell or consequence for rejecting Jesus and living in sin, no responsibility for sinful actions.

God created hell for Satan and the angels that rebelled. Mathew 25:41. Hell is the eternal consequence/judgement of sin. God is a loving yet just God.  We have grace that when we miss the mark/fall/sin, we can go to Him and receive forgiveness. If we do not, then judgement. A judge does not set a criminal free if they are found guilty just because he likes the guy. Would it be right and just to allow those who rejected Jesus and lived sinful rebellious lives to enter the kingdom along with those who accepted Jesus and did their best to live right?  The sacrifice of Jesus is there to save all people, but that sacrifice has to be received.

2. Hell isn't real, it is just symbolic.
Ok, symbolic of what? If it is symbolic of something then that something must be a hell of a place. (pun intended). 

"And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom." Luke 16:23

"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment."
2 Peter 2:4

When the bible references hell, it is speaking of a literal place. What people also tend to neglect is the spiritual aspect of God. Whether you want to believe it or not there are two worlds in existence. The physical world that we are currently in and the spiritual world that we cannot see with our physical eyes. This where believing with out seeing comes into place. People who tap into the spirit world or claim to see ghosts are not exactly flaky. I don't believe they understand what they are seeing or experiencing, but they are experiencing. Think about people who have had near death experiences.  They often recount hovering above their bodies and seeing people, but those people don't see them or they see people who have previously passed on yet no one else can. The veil between worlds is thin and we are meant operate in both yet carnality prevents the full extent and understanding. Hell is real, it's there and it's eternal.

The truth is that God loves and cares for everyone. Saints and sinners alike. We are all sinners. It's God's love and grace that we must accept and receive. God doesn't hate people who sin. He hates the sin. When my children do wrong. I have to correct them. I love my children, its the wrongs they do I don't like. When they are corrected the wrong will be corrected.

Satan to this day uses the same old tactic of doubt and unbelief to deceive people into rejecting Jesus and not believing in hell. No matter what people want to believe or not believe, it doesn't change the truth of hell. Now, what are we going to do with the truth of Hell? Let's Just Settle It.

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I would like to have many conversations with you theologically speaking, I am always reminded as I read your blogs. You are mature in your faith and I don't consider myself necessarily that by any stretch of the imagination so I would like to have some conversations with you.

    I too have often wondered what Bible people are reading. The Bible is such a grand display of oddities and things I cannot begin to understand but immediately take as absolute truth and righteousness. God is the author of all, so his best seller is my Great Determinant.

    Hell has become the talk of fables, myths, and horror stories (Heaven too really) and so it isn't taken seriously. In a public school setting I hear people talking about Hell flippantly on a regular basis. They consign their souls readily at the whim of a joke not fully realizing the maximity of what they are saying. They live in a world that God touches bases with on a regular basis through the church. They cannot begin to imagine a world without God where is mercy falls on the just and unjust.

    As usual we all need wake-up calls and you have given a handy one. This is a settlement, a final answer, this determines the lifestyles of many.

    (As a nice garnish, I was liking the intended puns)
