
Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Matter Of Faith

Early this year, the Lord spoke something to me. He said, "Your time of faith is now".  Now, I don't know about you, but there are times with me when I am not sure if what I am hearing is God or just me, and then there are times I know it's God.  That moment was one of the times I knew it was Him.  I believe He was telling me that right now this year is my time of faith or believing for whatever I needed faith for.  There are things that I am dealing with and being stretched by that I see I need to put my faith in action with.  I'm sure that you can probably think of somethings in your life that you may be struggling with that you aren't sure about and need faith to get you through it.

This brings me to the subject of faith.  A lot of people think they know what faith is and how it works or doesn't work.  A lot of people who have taught on the subject of fiath have been misunderstood and some have taught the subject of faith out of misunderstanding. 

Everyone has faith. God has given faith to us.  From the moment we are born, faith begins to operate in our lives and as we grow and learn, it operates one way or another, either in a good way or a bad way. 

"For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself mor highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith." ( Romans 12:3 KJV )

The last part of that verse says God has dealt or given to every man the measure of faith.  This means we all have faith.  The issue comes with the fact that our thinking has been turned and twisted that we don't even know or recognize the very thing that created us and this world. 

We are accustomed to the worlds way of thinking which is, "When I see it, I will believe it".  Faith says, "I believe it and then I will see it". That sounds hard to do I know, but lets look at a couple of things.

The children of Isreal stood on the promise of a savior for hundred's of years. Well, he finally came. Yes, some turned and quit believing that a savior would come and even didn't believe it after he had came, but there were those who did not give up.  Now think about this. I don't know where you are right know in your walk with God, but I am assuming you are saved as we call it.  When you recieceved Jesus as your saviour, you did it purely out of faith.  You believed in a God you had never seen and in a man you have only heard story of.  Yet, something happened on the inside of you and you knew it, you believed it all to be true. 

Faith is simply this; Trusting and believing God to do what He says he will do.  Well, what if He doesn't? What If I trust Him for something and it doesn't happen? Not a single person who has dealt with faith has not been in that position.  Some people have stood on faith and recieved the answer and some have stood and not recieved.  I could try to explain that and I hate not to do so, but when it comes down to it, I really can't except to say that I know that God is faithful and true and we must always believe that He is, no matter what the circumstance or outcome of a situation.  I can tell you this, that even if things don't seem to happen the way you are believeing for them to that God has a reason and an answer and He will give it to you in time. There agian it take trusting Him to give you the answer.  There are some things that I have to try to explain to my little girls that I know they are to young to understand.  I have to try to get them to understand as much as possible at the moment with the belief that in time as they grow and mature, they will better understand.

Today is Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday.  Billions of Christians all over the world are celebrating the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We are celebrating and event that we have only heard about or read about in the Bible.  We are celebrating an act that was done for us to save us from our sins and the price of those sins.  We have not seen, yet we believe.  I have been in church all my life and actively involve in ministry for the past twenty years. I have learned that no matter what, keep going and keep believing.  I have learned that no matter what the situation or circumstances keep believing. I have learned that even if I don't understand, understanding will come.  I have learned that it is a matter of faith.

Keep standing, keep believing.  God is faithful and He is true. Your time of faith is now.

In Christ, Kevin

Hebrews 11:1, Romans 10:17, 11 Corinthians 5:7, Mathew 17:20.

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