
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fan The Flame Or Choke In The Smoke!

These are truly trying times we are living in.  I don't have to give you an example, just watch five minutes of the news.  Spiritual oppression is growing heavier and heavier.  The bible says in Romans 8: 19 that creation itself is waiting on the sons of God to show up (paraphrase).  If you are born again, that is you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are a son of God.  It's time to get up and gird up.  Let me say that again, it's past time to get up and gird up.  It doesn't matter what Iran is doing, it doesn't matter what the White House is doing, it doesn't matter what John Doe down the road is doing, what matters is what are you doing. 

I am a little fired up and glad to be.  The church needs to get fired back up again and I believe it is about to happen.  We've been busted and bruised and knocked down for the count but as Carman's song the Champion goes, the ten count starts backwards.  10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...and 1 is about to hit.

I grew up in the Baptist church where Hell was hot and Heaven was not and they could preach it.  I moved over to the Word Of Faith Charismatic Camp where the Holy Spirit fire and power of the anointing armed you for battle.  I watched the church for years be a day late and a dollar short in providing alternatives to secular enticements.  I started seeing a form of Godliness but no power.  I have seen gossiping and backbiting and holier than the next one finger pointing and so has the world. 

What has that got to do with anything. Absolutely Nothing!!  I am here to tell you that when it all boils down to it the only thing that matters is the sacrifice that Jesus made and why he made it.

People are dying and lifting their eyes in hell every minute of everyday and are going to be there forever. Everyone who died without Jesus in 1700's. Theye're still there. Everyone who died without Jesus in the 1800', are still there. Anyone who died without Jesus on 9/11, are still there.  Play times been up, but we're still trying to squeeze every last second we can to play a little longer.  People need Jesus, people need freedom and deliverance and the only way they are going to get it is from Jesus through us. 

" For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands." 2 Timothy 6 (NIV)

Sometimes we forget who we are and what we are and to what we are called.  Each one of us has gifts and callings in us that God put there for a reason.  Like fire these gifts of the Holy Spirit burn inside of us.  Fire does two things, it either burns up or burns out.  It destroys or it purifies and have you ever noticed fire doesn't back down or run away.  The only way a fire will go out is if you put it out, but a fire can always be started again.  You can stand around a fire and keep warm and enjoy it's benefits, but when the flames go out all that's left is irritating, choking smoke.  Fan that flame that's on the inside of you, stoke the fire and let it burn in you and out of you to those around you.  Rise up, gird up, and then look up!

In Christ, Kevin

1 comment:

  1. Gird up! What a good call to action. You are right, it is hight time. This blog was full of it. Passion that is. Good stuff Mr. Kevin Jacobs
