
Saturday, January 30, 2010

AMP'D: Naked Obsession

I didn't count on this subject being my first one for the teen directed articles on For This Cause, but I feel it is a needed thing. I want to talk about the subject of nudity and the worlds obsession with it and how it affects you.

We have seen alot in the headlines and news media over the past years that mention and talk about the subject of sexting, where by someone takes a nude photo of themselves and sends it to someone else, usually a girl sending a photo of herself to a boy. We also have heard of the popular Girls Gone Wild springbreak videos and notorious Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs, and the populairty of Playboy. I know and realize that those examples may be old ones, but I believe they have played a part in the influence and ending results of young people's acceptance of baring it all to others. More examples can be seen with rising starlets who have allowed themselves to be influenced into lowering their morals and not caring about thier responsibilities as role models.

Of course Britney Spears and Christina Aguilara seems to have started it off, but it was going on way before then. Presently Vanessa Hudgins photo scandal and Miley Cyrus's venture to transition from childhood Disney image to more adult serious image are leading the way. It seems as though for a "child star" to prove she is grown up, they have to do something edgy like pose for nude or racey photos or take an edgy adult role in a movie. What I notice is that these startlets debut with clean images and gain a following of the young who's parent's are relieved that they have someone who is "seemingly" a good role model for their kids. Later though as these starlets grow up and are influenced by the already immoral Hollywood scene, they still have their also growing up young followers who continue to follow them.

 Vanessa Hudgins photos and the lack of reprimand told millions of young girls that it was ok to photograph yourself naked and let other people see it. Miley Cyrus's own photo scandal and her brief blame game about it and then unconcerned attitude are preaching an " if I'm ok with it, it's ok " idealogue to her followers. I recently read an article where Cyru's father Billy Ray commented about her pole dance during an award show. He basically said he told her to not worry about critics or what anyone else thought and to have fun and do what makes her happy. In a sense I could agree with this statement, but not when you are a public figure with young fans. The Cyrus's have shirked any responsibility to their fans and their fan's parents, the ones who's money has made them stars.

Now, I just wanted you to see what I see as an adult. Believe me, when I was a teenager myself, I thought my parents and adults were just being stupid about things. The problem was lack of communication. If I had certain things explained to me, I would have understood better. Also, for your understanding, parents and adults don't always know how to explain why something is wrong.

So, what's the big deal about nudity anyway? Well, you already know part of the answer to that. Seeing someone nude, especially soemone may be attracted to, causes already active hormones to go wild. God gave you those hormones and intended them for a purpose, but the enemy seeks to manipulate the intent of those hormones into unintended use.

Mathew 5:27, 28 tells us that to look upon someone with lust in our hearts means we are as guilty as if we had actually been with the person. This applies to everyone, guys and girls.

Our bodies were made and meant to be seen and bring pleasure to only one other person. Our husband or wife. In your case, your future husband or wife. You see, part of the big deal is that the nakedness of our bodies is a private intimate thing, meant to only be shared with our mate. When someone exposes themselves to everyone else they destroy that intimacy. The enemy has done a good job in numbing peoples morals and stealing the joy and beauty from God's creation.

Every girl wants to be attractive and appealing to a boy. Girls, showing off your body either naked or dressed immodestly is not the cool way to do it, no matter what society or celebrities say or do. Yes, guys will be enticed by it, but is that really what you want?  Guys, the same goes for you as well. Girls may drool and ga ga over the shirtless hunk, but it's a heart that wins a heart.

Guys and girls, I understand that with societies influence and the changes in your body you are experiencing as teenagers that keeping yourself modest and pure is not easy. You must realize that you are special and unique and that God created you for better. You are a prize to be treasured. If someone doesn't treat you with respect, they don't respect the value God had placed on you. The world may have a naked obsession, but that doesn't man you have to.

In Christ, Kevin

1 comment:

  1. Good job! A lot have people would not have tackled this subject with such honestly. A winning line is "it's a heart that wins a heart" Looking forward to future AMP'D articles.
