
Saturday, November 19, 2011

size DOESN"T matter

"....for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God? "
1 Samuel 17:26 (in part)

Deer season has opened here in Alabama.  That time when hunters go in search of that prized venison.  Hopefully one with at least 8 points. 
I am sure everyone has seen or knows someone who is a hunter and probably has one of those truck decals that says "Size Matters", referring to to the size of a deer's rack.  Well, I want to talk to you about your life and when "size Doesn't matter".

I'm sure everyone has heard or read the story of David and Goliath.  If you haven't, add it to your must read list and once you have read it through, read it again and maybe even again.

The army of Israel and the army of the Philistines were in a face off of battle.  The Philistines had a champion named Goliath.  Goliath was a big dude.  At least nine feet tall to the average five to six foot man.  Goliath would come out day after day and taunt the army of Israel.  He would say, " Send a man to fight me, If I win then you will be our slaves and if he wins then we the Philistines will be your slaves".  Day after day he taunted and mocked the army of Israel and day after day no soldier accepted his challenge.  The army of Israel was afraid of him.  He was big, fierce, and intimidating. 

Now, my question would be this.  Here was one giant and here was an army.  Why didn't they have a good archer take him out? Or several archers? 

Anyway,  Here comes the shepherd boy David.  Just doing what his father commanded him to do by taking bread to his brothers.  David hears the taunts of Goliath.  David doesn't say " oh my, you have a giant threatening you ".  No, David's reaction is this, " Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he would mock the army of God? ".  You see David didn't hear a giant.  He didn't hear a fierce intimidating enemy.  He heard someone mocking the living God, his God.  He heard someone who did not have covenant with God daring to challenge someone who did.

David took the challenge.  The challenge that King Saul or any one of his army should have and could have taken. 

So David goes out to face Goliath and when Goliath sees him, he is actually offended that they sent a boy to fight him instead of a man.  Goliath mocks " Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? ", and then he cursed David by his gods. Notice he cursed David by his gods, Goliath's gods not David's.

David replied to Goliath, but not with curses.  David said, " I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the Lord deliver thee into my hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel ".

Of course you know that David killed Goliath and cut off his head with his own sword.  To have your head cut off with your own sword is an act of humiliation.  Despite Goliath being dead, David humiliated him in front of the Philistine army.  Now, notice this, in verse 51 it says that the Philistine army fled.  They ran.  You see when David made his proclamation to Goliath, he not only told Goliath he was going to kill him, but the entire Philistine host.  That meant the entire Philistine army.  You see, David could be that bold and was that bold because he knew he had that covenant with God and they didn't.

Now, let's apply this to our lives.  When you get born again, saved, accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior, you have automatically become beneficiary of the covenant of God with God.  That covenant is His word and all the promises He has made in His word for us and to us made available by the sacrifice and shed blood of Jesus.  That covenant says we will be His people and He will be our God, our King and nothing or no one can stand against that covenant.

When all hell seems to be unleashed at you.  When the giants of life are calling you out and mocking you.  Remember that you have a covenant and those giants are as good as dead if you decide to fight.  Notice what I said.  If you decide to fight.  The only way hell can prevail and giant circumstances can win is if we don't fight.  It doesn't matter the size of the army or the giant.  What matters is that covenant and you understanding it and knowing how to fight with it.

We don't understand that the enemy isn't afraid of us.  No, Goliath wasn't afraid of David by no means.  It's not us Satan fears, it's God.  Notice again in the story, David went after Goliath in the name of God and for His glory that the Philistines would know there is a God in Israel.  When he cut Goliath's head off, the Philistines knew there was a God in Israel.  When you stand against the enemy in the name of Jesus, Satan remembers and the enemy remembers who your God is.  They are going to keep on to see if you do.

You + God = Victory

It doesn't matter who you are or where you've been.  It doesn't matter how much money you have or don't have.  It doesn't matter what others think of you or don't think of you.  What matters is the covenant and God will always keep His covenant. 

To the world size matters with a lot of people and a lot of things.  The more or the bigger the better.  In the spirit world, in our daily lives, because of Jesus and our covenant with God, size DOESN'T matter.

In Christ,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The "F" Word

Forgiveness.  You either hate, feel guilty, wish you could hide, or just plain avoid that word.  The only time anyone likes the word forgiveness is when they need it.  Debt forgiveness ? Crime forgiveness? Accident forgiveness? Sin forgiveness?  We usually want forgiveness when it comes to us, but we aren't to sure about it when it comes to others.  We weigh the offense of others on our scale of pass or fail.  But what of God's forgiveness and what does He think we should do about it?  How does God's scale of pass or fail work?  Does He even have a scale?

Many times in my life I have had to ask and even begged forgiveness of someone. Often my wife (lol).  Many times in my life I have had to forgive someone for something they did that offended or hurt me.  Neither one is easy.  Asking forgiveness is a humbling experience and giving forgiveness should be a humbling one, but is more of a begrudging one.  Begrudging because we are usually still offended and hurt when we do the forgiving.

One time a guy that had actually been a bully to me in school was seeing an ex-girlfriend of mine.  We had actually just broken up for the third time.  Yes I said third time, and this time was a doozy.  This guy started seeing my ex sorta behind my back.  What I mean is he actually talked once with me like a friend about our break up, yet began to see her after he knew how I felt.  The kicker of this was we were all going to the same church. 
One day I arrived at the church and was in the parking lot waiting to go in and he showed up.  I was sitting in my car with the window down when he walked up and bent down to speak to me.  I began to pray and ask God to let him say something that would give me reason to suddenly throw open the door hitting him and knocking him to the ground while I jumped out and began to pummel him about the head and face.  God did not answer my prayer.
I was giving him the meanest stare I could when he said that he knew how I felt about my ex and that he had asked her to marry him and she said yes.  I began praying again for those opportunistic words.  No answer.  He then said this, " if I have done anything to offend you I want to ask you to forgive me ".  I thought "IF", "IF" you have done anything.  Remember he's the guy who used to bully me and now was going to marry my ex girlfriend.  I thought well let me just pull out my list here and......I forgive you.  Yep, I said I forgive you.  I knew it was the right thing and actually at that moment when he asked, there wasn't a question in my mind or heart.  I did it and never held anything else against him.  Oh don't get me wrong, we weren't going to be best buds or anything like that, but I did it. 

Now, there are things that happen and stuff that people do that hurt us and offend us deeply.  Those things cut deep into our hearts, souls, and even spirits.  Things that we feel that we can or will never ever be able to forgive someone for.  I will go so far as to say that we would be right to never forgive someone who has done something that we would feel was that bad.  We might be right, but would we be righteous?  We may be just in our unforgiveness, but are we justified?  That is the rub. 

Let me ask you this. Is God righteous and justified in forgiving us?  Is He righteous and justified for forgiving those who hurt and offend us and others?  Ok, let me ask the question this way.  Was Jesus' blood only for certain people?  Was Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for only certain sins or all sins? 

You see, as I said we weigh others offenses on our scale (thought) of pass or fail. If what they did was small enough to be forgiven or too big to be. The truth of the matter is that God also has a scale, but His scale is a lot different than ours.  His scale is the cross and the pure, un-tainted sinless blood of Jesus.  The only sin or offense that I know of that God has said will not be forgiven, is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. All others can be and will be if asked for.  Yes, that means the worst of the worst.  If Hitler asked for forgiveness before he died, yes God forgave him.  If a child molester asks Gods forgiveness, yes he will forgive them.  Don't mistake me, receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior and accepting His sacrifice is the key to obtaining that forgiveness, but upon those precepts, it is available.  No it doesn't mean we can accept Jesus and then sin freely either.

" Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."
Isaiah 55:7

Ok, so what about someone who won't admit they have done anything or won't ask forgiveness of us?  Glad you asked.  I believe we are responsible as Born Again Christians, Christ-Followers, Believer's, etc. to forgive everyone and anyone who has wronged us.  Ouch, ggrrrr, I don't like this ride anymore.  If we are not responsible or we do not forgive, then we make the sacrifice of Jesus worth nothing.  We are saying that the cross and Jesus blood was not good enough to cover their sin and offense. 

But how? How are we supposed to do that? God forgives only if we ask his forgiveness, not when we don't so how or why are we to forgive when someone doesn't ask our forgiveness. Ok, here it goes. God doesn't forgive us only if we ask.  He has already forgiven us of everything we could have or would have or will ever do.  When we ask God's forgiveness of something we are receiving the forgiveness that He has already provided through the blood of Jesus.  The key again is accepting it. We can ask and receive because it's there.  If someone doesn't ask they do not acknowledge that it is there and do not receive.

" In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace."
Ephesians 1:7

Remember the bully and ex girlfriend?  I forgave him, but what about her? She had hurt me really bad.  Third time she had broken up with me.  I loved her.  I wanted to marry her.  I forgave her as well.  I had to forgive her by faith.  What I mean is that despite my feelings of hurt and anger I had to choose to forgive her because it was the right/righteous thing to do.  She didn't come to me and ask my forgiveness like he did. On the contrary we actually didn't see each other again for some years.  When we finally did see each other I knew it was going to happen.  I mean I knew that certain circumstances would bring us to see each other.  When it happened I asked her for forgiveness for the things I did wrong in our relationship and she....didn't ask for mine.  She responded with a it's okay we were young and it's all water under the bridge answer, but no will you forgive me too.  I hate to say that I actually was thinking she would.  I mean she was the one who hurt me and had broken up with me, not the other way around.  But I forgave her anyway.  I forgave her for everything without her asking.  Why? I had the power to.  I had the will and the power through God's strength, not my own. 

Forgiveness has been taught that it is for you personally more than the one you are forgiving.  I may disagree.  When we forgive, the burden of that offense is lifted from us.  It may take some time for total forgiveness and total removal (time heals), but it will happen.  We release whomever offended or sinned from that sin debt they owed to us as children of God.  Just as when Jesus said, " father forgive them, they know not what they do", He released us from the sin debt we owed to God as rebellious children of Satan. 

I know it's hard.  Nobody says it isn't.  I am no great forgiver either.  I gave you one story from my past when I could have given many.  A great man of God said to me, practically the other night, " let your character shine".  No matter who does what to step on you, be better and let your character outshine their tress pass.  We have to choose to forgive.  We have to choose to do it by faith.  We have to choose to be better than the offense.  Do we keep letting ourselves be hurt again and again by the same people?  No.  We don't have to keep putting ourselves in situations or allowing someone to do the same things over and over.  We can guard ourselves and still forgive and go on.  Your purpose and destiny does not depend on how other people treat you.  It does depend on how you treat other people. Forgiveness, The F Word.

In Christ,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 Second Eternity: The World Needs A Hero

 I guess it's safe to say that if not all of Alabama, at least North Central and up felt and is still feeling the overwhelming impact of the tornado's that came through on April 27th.  People's lives have been turned upside down by the loss of property and more importantly the loss of life.  To date, I believe there are still a great number of people unaccounted for.  It is a shocking thing to see the devastation of areas that were hit. It is even more so if you see it first hand and not on tv. 

Alabamians have risen to the task of helping and providing for those who have had there lives suddenly interrupted by natures fury.  It is times like this that tug at my heart. When I see people from every color and creed not caring about such, just reaching out to help someone or help save someone.  When the twin towers in New York were destroyed on 9/11, my heart ached at the loss of life, but my heart cried at the banding together of people to dig out possible survivors and to help the injured.  The same is true for the destruction from the tornado's. 

I have heard this statement a couple of times over the past few weeks since the storms.  "30 seconds", "That's all it was, but that 30 seconds felt like an eternity".  Indeed when we are in fearful situations, time seems to slow down or stop. We want the situation to be over, but it feels like will be forever.

The tornado's that came through Alabama and surrounding states were some of the most fierce that we have ever seen. Hearing the stories and recounts of events, it seemed that nothing or no one would have been safe from the wrath of these storms. It's hard to say that only God could have saved someone from storms such as this and indeed I believe there were those who were protected. There were also those who were not and that includes children and a great Christian couple from my church who did not survive. I am going to be straight forward and honest and say I cannot answer that question. I cannot answer why some perished and others survived. Why did God allow this and not that. I don't know and would be amazed at anyone who thinks they do. I can say however, that I do not believe God caused the storms. It was not an "Act of God". I do believe there were spiritual things behind them. I believe there are spiritual things behind the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, tsunami in Haiti and hurricane Katrina.

Mathew 24:7
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

I believe we are seeing this verse come to life. I am not trying to be a doom and gloom preacher, nor do I want to be, but the truth is the truth and more so when it comes from God's Word.

In recent years we have seen movie's about the end of the world or mass destruction. 2012 is the most recent I know of. I have always believed that spiritual things will often appear in the physical. What I mean is when you see a pattern of something in movies and tv etc. that the same or similar situation will happen in reality. Kind of like the movie or tv show is the prophetic precursor to what is coming. Now that is just Kevin thought, meaning I could be wrong. Always go by what the bible says and not me. People can mistakes and thoughts don't always hold up.

Besides movies and tv shows of disasters, we have also seen many taken from the pages of comic books. The X-Men, Superman, Spiderman, and most recently Thor. The world wants a hero. I believe that people whether they realize it are not are crying out for a savior. Someone who has the power and the strength to set the world straight and protect us from evil.

Our problem as people/ human is that we tend to miss what is right in front of us. Sometimes we don't see the forrest for the trees. As I stated before, I cried on 9/11 not at the destruction and death, but at the selflessness of the people coming together to rescue the trapped and injured. I was moved on April 27th after the storms when people were digging out victims of the destruction. There was no color, no creed, no religion, no denomination that got in the way of compassion.

My wife and I watched the series Smallville. The story of Superman through his teenage and young adult years. Through out the series Clark Kent faced trial after trial on his journey to becoming the Man of Steel. Technically he was always the man of steel already having all his super powers. At the series end Clark was to face Darkside the ultimate evil who was going to take over the world and enslave the people. Darkside had marked those who had a dark side in them or sin. He marked them on their forehead with an omega symbol for the end. See anything there? At the end Clark had to realize who he was and what his destiny was and give the people hope. When he did this the symbols disappeared from their heads and Clark/Superman defeated Darkside.

The world is looking for a hero, but what they don't see is that the worlds hero has already came and has already defeated evil. Jesus Christ the son of God, Warrior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Creator of the Universe. He came, saw, and kicked Satan's.....hiney. His love and compassion led Him to the cross to be the sacrifice and salvation of the world.

John 3:17,18
"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Jesus may not be here physically. The bible says he sits at the right hand of the Father, but He is still with us and in us and His love and compassion become evident. Jesus is the true hero, but He has given us His power. Whenever a fireman rushes into a building to save someone. That is our hero. Whenever a police officer serves and protects. That is our hero. Whenever a rescue worker helps someone in need. That is our hero. Whenever a soldier defends his country. That is our hero. Whenever someone helps someone they don't know. That is our hero. When someone pulls someone out of a collapsed building. That is our hero.

You see, with the love and compassion of God in us through Jesus. We are the hero, but we couldn't be that hero without the true hero of Jesus.

In that 30 second eternity that we experience and we are afraid and we are crying out for a hero. We have to realize that our hero is with us no matter what the outcome. God is with us wherever we are, in whatever we are in. We don't see Him, but he is there. When it's over and we need help, His hand reaches out in the hands of each individual who races to the rescue. In our lives of 30 second eternities, we need Jesus our hero.

In Christ,

Take The Day !!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hell? Let's Just Settle It.

The reality of hell is becoming a hot topic of late (pun intended).  I have encountered at least two beliefs, one that states all people are saved because of Jesus' sacrifice and won't go to hell and the other states that those who go to hell won't stay there for eternity.  Of course these are not the only views of hell I have ever heard of or that exists.  Some think we are currently living in hell and at times I almost feel inclined to agree with them.  Some think that hell does not exist at all. 

I have to be honest and say that I wonder sometimes what bible people are reading.  I don't mean to be condescending, and I am all for discussion and different views and interpretation of scripture as long as it is held within the confines of the scripture.  What I mean is the absolute answer to any discussion in the end should be the scripture itself.  Until God reveals it to you or the understanding is brought to light, take it in a literal context.  So what I would like to offer are some rebuttals as it were to statements being made concerning hell. 

The first thing we should realize is that Satan is at work doing the same thing he's done since Adam and Eve.  Deceiving.  Satan deceived Eve in two ways.  First he questioned God's word.  He said, "Has God said you shouldn't eat of this tree?" (paraphrase).  He questioned what God said, he questioned the Word.  Today, it would be, the bible doesn't say homosexuality is a sin. The bible doesn't say people will spend eternity in hell? 

Questions in the form of statements that are designed to cause the listener to doubt the truth of what they know.  Eve however, refuted Satan with "Yes God did say we couldn't eat of that tree".  She was firm on what she knew to be true.  Satan then hit her with this.  He said, "God doesn't want you to eat of that tree because he knows if you do then you will be like him and he won't be able to control you." (paraphrase).  He did a character assassination against God and planted a seed of distrust in Eve against God's intentions toward Adam and her.  The seeds of doubt and distrust produced the fruit of rebellion.  Satan's very sin.

So allow me to tackle a couple of questions (statements).

1. Why would a caring and loving God send anyone to hell.
True. God is a loving and caring God and wouldn't send anyone to hell.  People send themselves their by their own choice to reject Jesus. 

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."  John 3:16-17

You see, what people are leaving out is the "choice" part. The part where responsibility is put on our shoulders.  People don't want responsibility for their choices or rather they don't want consequences to their choices.  So, no hell or consequence for rejecting Jesus and living in sin, no responsibility for sinful actions.

God created hell for Satan and the angels that rebelled. Mathew 25:41. Hell is the eternal consequence/judgement of sin. God is a loving yet just God.  We have grace that when we miss the mark/fall/sin, we can go to Him and receive forgiveness. If we do not, then judgement. A judge does not set a criminal free if they are found guilty just because he likes the guy. Would it be right and just to allow those who rejected Jesus and lived sinful rebellious lives to enter the kingdom along with those who accepted Jesus and did their best to live right?  The sacrifice of Jesus is there to save all people, but that sacrifice has to be received.

2. Hell isn't real, it is just symbolic.
Ok, symbolic of what? If it is symbolic of something then that something must be a hell of a place. (pun intended). 

"And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom." Luke 16:23

"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment."
2 Peter 2:4

When the bible references hell, it is speaking of a literal place. What people also tend to neglect is the spiritual aspect of God. Whether you want to believe it or not there are two worlds in existence. The physical world that we are currently in and the spiritual world that we cannot see with our physical eyes. This where believing with out seeing comes into place. People who tap into the spirit world or claim to see ghosts are not exactly flaky. I don't believe they understand what they are seeing or experiencing, but they are experiencing. Think about people who have had near death experiences.  They often recount hovering above their bodies and seeing people, but those people don't see them or they see people who have previously passed on yet no one else can. The veil between worlds is thin and we are meant operate in both yet carnality prevents the full extent and understanding. Hell is real, it's there and it's eternal.

The truth is that God loves and cares for everyone. Saints and sinners alike. We are all sinners. It's God's love and grace that we must accept and receive. God doesn't hate people who sin. He hates the sin. When my children do wrong. I have to correct them. I love my children, its the wrongs they do I don't like. When they are corrected the wrong will be corrected.

Satan to this day uses the same old tactic of doubt and unbelief to deceive people into rejecting Jesus and not believing in hell. No matter what people want to believe or not believe, it doesn't change the truth of hell. Now, what are we going to do with the truth of Hell? Let's Just Settle It.

In Christ,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Size Fits All

I just read a short blog post by Mary one of the young girls of my church.  In her post she begins with questioning why she wakes up in the early hours of the morning with thoughts of the worlds troubles on her mind and heart. Most recently the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. She mentions child abuse and the danger of escaped criminals a well.

This young lady's family is big by some standards. There are ten children, eight girls and two boys. Each one of them have been raised in a Christian home. There father, whom passed away a couple of years ago, was/is a kind, meek, and wise man. He was/is also firm standing in the care of his family and serving the Lord.  Their mother has been and still is their constant.  She is the glue and connection they all have with each other. Each child is unique and outstanding yet you can see the same heart.

Satan has forever done his best to destroy the fabric of the family. His tactics are plain and easy to see, divorce, abuse, abandonment, etc., with these he seeks to kill, steal, and destroy, that which God has ordained to be the first place His love is to be present. Young girls like Mary, grow up with out fathers or with abusive fathers or absent fathers. Girls who grow up with these circumstances often are led into lives of self destruction and exploited by the twisted minds of others

In the movie "The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers", Aragorn catches Eowyn niece of King Theoden practicing with a sword. Aragorn comments on her skill with a sword and Eowyn responds, "The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them.".  Later in the third movie of the trilogy "Return of The King", we see Eowyn in battle armor riding out to war with the other soldiers.

One of our commissions from God is Proverbs 22:6 which says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."

The one thing the enemy does his best at keeping us from doing is training our children how to fight spiritually.  We want our children to learn to defend themselves from bully's and anyone who would try to hurt them physically, but we can neglect the defense against Satan who seeks to harm them spiritually. We must gird up ourselves and shake off  hesitancy and fear, and set ourselves to teach our children to be warriors. Laochra Eirigi, Warrior Arise.

We must teach our children boys and girls how to wear the Armor of God.  You have probably seen the cartoon pictures of a child wearing God's armor that was too big and the idea was for the child to grow into it. I am not downing that at all, but here is a different view. The Armor of God that is given to us already fits. It fits us perfectly as children and as we grow, it grows with us. One size fits all. The training doesn't come in learning to grow into the armor, it comes in learning to how to use it. Part of the problem is that sometimes we ourselves don't know how to use it.

A friend of mine posted this on facebook. His seven year old daughter woke up one night after having a nightmare. His daughter told him that when she woke up that she thought instead of running to daddy she prayed to God to take the bad dreams away and told Satan to get out in the name of Jesus. That my friends is training your child.

" Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. " Ephesians 6:11-12

The shoes of the gospel of peace, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and prayers of supplication.

Battles are brief but wars are longer. We are in a war where battles are won and lost. The war has already been won, but the battles are daily and must be won.  Soldiers don't fight for themselves. They fight for others. Their king, their country, their people. Jesus is our King. The Kingdom of Heaven our country. God's creation of man our people.

Laochra Eirigi, Warrior Arise. Learn your armor. Learn what it's for. Learn how to use it, then teach your children. Begin sowing those seeds into them. They aren't too young. They aren't too small. One Size Fits All.

In Christ,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hollywood Death Machine

Hooray for Hollywood
You may be homely in your neighbourhood
But if you think that you can be an actor, see Mr. Factor
He'll make a monkey look good
Within a half an hour you'll look like Tyrone Power
Hooray for Hollywood

That's part of the lyrics to the song "Hooray For Hollywood" which first debut in the 1937 film "Hollywood Hotel".  The song was actually a kind of in fun satire of the Hollywood film industry at the time.  The tune is now more recognizable than the actual lyrics themselves.  Most people probably wouldn't understand the songs references today, wikipedia will be your friend if you want to know. 

With out a doubt, the Hollywood of today is not the Hollywood of yesteryear.  Things that were edgy then and shocking are less than that today.  Numerous songs and movies about people abandoning all to move to L.A. to pursue their dreams of being actors and actress', singers and entertainers, have been made.  The comedies and the tragedies, art imitating life. 

Hollywood has been adept at changing lives for better or for worse.  Within the last few years or so, I believe we are seeing how Hollywood is changing lives for the worse.  Of course the first examples I think of are Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, and Miley Cyrus.  But, let's consider the divorces, the deaths, the political ramblings and activism.  As Christian singer Carmen put it in his song "Soap Song", gone are the days of "Leave It To Beaver, Matt Dillon and his sidekick Festus".  Again, wikipedia will be your friend. 

Oh, I know that Hollywood has never been perfect.  Expose programs tell you that.  You find out things about celebrities that you really wished you hadn't.  The hedonistic this is what we all do somehow someway if you do it's ok and if you don't then go away lifestyle of the people of the silver screen and vinyl discs (wikipedia) is shown without rereservation today. 

Don't get me wrong.  I like movies and music, but let's not forget that those things that appeal to the flesh are those things that Satan uses to kill, steal, and destroy.  Think about it.  Think about Lindsey, Britney, and Miley.  All have started out with fresh faced innocence only to be prostituted and marred and scarred by scandal all for the greed of someone else.  Shame on their parents for letting it happen to them, shame on them for keeping it, and shame on us for buying it. 

(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
Philippians 3:18,19

It is sad to see older stars and celebrities hardened set in their ways and lifestyles and it equally sad to see young stars and celebrities on the road to becoming that way.  I am sure if they were to be completely honest, they would say the lights of Hollywood don't shine as bright as they did on their tv screens.  The god of greed, fame and fortune feed their belly's with an unsatisfying meal.  Their glory comes only in the shame of scandal which have become badges of honor. 

Countless people have fallen prey to the Hollywood dream and not all of them are the celebrities we adore.  They are often us.  In our quest for fulfillment, our need for escape, and want of a different life than what we have, we cast ourselves at the feet of entertainment.  We spend our money for DVDs and Cd's and the better cable package. (raised hand) Guilty.  It's not just the Lindsey's and Britney's, the Heath Ledger's and Charlie Sheen's that Satan is after with the weapon of Hollywood.  He was looking for a billion souls with one shot. 

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:1,2

Only by the application of the Word of God to our lives can we expect to prosper in anything.  Only by realizing that things have a hold on us and not us on them and choosing to break free can we avoid the enemies traps. I believe unless or until God tells you someone is unreachable their is a chance, a hope. That means there is hope for Hollywood.  When we realize that Satan nor Hollywood is bigger than God or God in us, we can destroy the Hollywood Death Machine. 

In Christ, 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

To The Dearly Departed

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart form the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;  1 Timothy 4:1-2

This is often a scripture used when someone is giving a sermon on prophecy and the end times.  It is often used in a manner as a warning to somewhat shock or evoke a fearful wonder at what is going to happen.  I myself have never really dwelt much on this scripture as this particular end time happening seemed long in coming.  I was wrong.  I was wrong in the fact that end time events don't just happen suddenly.  They kind of sneak up on you or at least that's what it may seem like.  In reality the preparations and stage settings for prophetic events begin years, decades, and even centuries earlier. 

I believe this particular prophetic event is one of the absolute oldest in it's beginnings.  The enemy, Satan , began the campaign of this scripture with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

In the garden of Eden, nothing was withheld from Adam and Eve save for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Genesis chapter 3 recounts the event of the fall of man, with the deception of Eve.  The serpent beguiled or seduced Eve into questioning God's command concerning the tree. He did this by using two tactics that the enemy still uses today.  He questioned her in such a way as to cause doubt (or confusion ) about what God had said.  Did God really say not to eat of that tree?  Was that what God really meant?  Eve, speaking the Word of God back to him said yes, that is what God said.  It would be the Word of God, because it is what God said and commanded,  just not in written form as His Word the Bible. 

This is possibly the first instance of the Word being used against the enemy's deceptions.  Another would be when Jesus spoke the Word back to him in the desert wilderness when Jesus was to be tempted.  When Eve spoke the Word back to him, the next tactic he used was to slander God and put the seeds of doubt and mistrust in Eve's mind about God's intentions.  He, the serpent, said to her out rite that God did not want them to eat of the tree because He, God, knew that if they did, they would be like Him and He didn't want them to become as He was.  Basically the serpent told her that God wanted to keep them dumb so he could rule over them. 

Satan has been using these two and other tactics to deceive and seduce people away from God.  Many "Christians" and church denominations have fallen prey to his deceptions over the past decade.  There are ministers who preach an adulterated and heretical gospel.  Denominations that accept lifestyles that are blatantly contrary to God's word and His commandments.  What is troubling are the individual people who have been drawn away from God by either these same type deceptions or have left because of the effects of these and other things the church and church people have messed up. 

I have friend whom I have know since I was little.  My friend's family were of a denomination different than mine.  During our mid to late teens, my mother had an accident which prevented us from attending our church regularly.  My friend invited me to come to his church for a while.  The difference between our respective denominations was easy to see.  I believe that God was using this as part of His plan and destiny for me.  A whole new world was open to me.  I had a new desire and hunger for God.  I will say that where my denomination was hard lined, my friend's was open and where mine was open, his was a bit more hard lined. 

To make a long story short, my friend had some hurtful experiences from some church people and from things in his home and personal life.  These things I believe were the seeds of doubt and confusion being planted by the enemy.  My friend entered a local collage and was then subject to the secular humanistic teachings and beliefs of his professors.  These things watered the already planted seeds.  Today my friend, the one who God used to lead me to a higher place in Him and start me on His path for me, no longer believes in God.  He believes there is a higher power, but it is not the God that we understand created the universe and all that is in it.  It would take too long to explain exactly what he believes, but that is the sum of it. 

People leave the church or Christianity for many various reasons.  I believe some, like my friend, mostly from hurts and lack of understanding.  People will either be mad at God, not fully understanding that God did not cause what happened or that what they have seen is not how God truly is or they are not mad at God but dis-associate themselves with all things christian, which actually leads to their dis-association to God.  Still, there are others who want to believe, but make God in the image that fits how they want to believe and live.  Some ministers and denominations have chosen to accept, believe, and promote, ideas and lifestyles that the bible is against because of greed, fame, and the approval of men. All of these scenarios equate to having given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

I want to encourage you.  Read, study, pray, and seek God for yourself.  Build a personal relationship with Him.  The Word of God admonishes us to get understanding.  Seek understanding and wisdom.  By these you will be able to stand when things are hurtful and not be led into error by false teachings.  I say this to strengthen those who may be in such a place or have been and as lifeline To The Dearly Departed.

In Christ,