
Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 5

5. The Construction Worker

The fifth man that a man has to be is the construction worker. Raising and providing for a family can be a lot like construction work. The construction worker has to clear land, lay foundation, and build his family's home and keep it up.
I briefly worked with a great man of God who has a buisness of remodeling homes. I also have a freind who at one time was a home builder. I never thought of myself as having the skills or know how to be a construction worker, but the short time I was employed by the man who owns the remodeling business, I found that I actually enjoyed the work. Not to knock anyone who isn't a construction worker, but it made me feel like a man and that felt good. Not that I didn't feel like a man before, but you understand. I always enjoy construction projects even though I don't get to do them often.
The construction worker labors to build the perfect dwelling for his family. He has to clear away the brush and unwanted timber and dig into the earth to lay a good foundation that will support his family. This is like teaching your family the Word of God. A firm stable foundation is necessary.
The construction worker has to take the time to calculate and measure for the size of the structure. He has to put the best materials he can into the building to assure its strength and resistance. If he doesn't do the job right and he tries to cut corners, he risks an unsound building that will eventually give way. Like the story in the bible of the two men who were building houses. One man build his house upon sand and the other upon rock. When troubles and bad circumstance came the house built upon the sand or weak foundation collapsed, but he house built upon the rock stood firm.
Being a construction worker is not a totally hard job, but neither is it a totally easy one. Even if you have not been the best construction worker you could, you can still remodel and repair.

In Christ, Kevin

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