
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tell The Recession Where To Go! Pt.1

Have you ever had one of those moments where you have a thought to do something kinda out of your normal routine, like go into a store you don't normally go to or take a different route somewhere? You might have thought that it was nothing special until God shows you something and then you realize it was Him leading you. Well, I had one of those instances on my way home from work one afternoon.

It was a normal day, nothing spectacular. On this day I didn't have to pick up my daughters from daycare. The thought crossed my mind to take a slightly different route home on the interstate. I didn't think much of it, just a change of scenery. Well, driving along my attention was drawn to a billboard with a beer advertisement on it. The sign said, " Tell The Recession Where To Go" and had a picture of a particular brand of beer beside it. God got my attention with that sign. The advertisement was suggesting you to drink the problem of the recession away. Now I know and hopefully you do to, that drinking isn't going to make the recession or economic problems to go away and I know that's not what God was saying. But, here is what I believe and know He is saying to me and you.

Do you realize that in America, the "free world" that we are not really free? There is one thing that dictates to us our lives and how we live it. Not our boss', not our spouse', not the government or President. It's money. Money is the one thing that tells us where we can go, what we can drive, what we can wear, eat, drink, and even who we can be with. Money is the one thing that touches every part of our lives. Think about it.

I believe this is why God said in His word that we should tithe.

" Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." Proverbs 3:9,10

When we tithe, we are allowing God to touch the one thing that touches all areas of our lives and bless us in each of those areas. God has sustained me and my family through some economically tough times. Yes, we have had to tighten up here or there at times, maybe not spend as freely or frivolously as we have, but we did not hurt or lack in anything. When gas prices went up and fear began to grip the nation, I was confident and stood firm on God's word. His promise of provision and the covenant I have with him through Jesus Christ and being a tither. Did the fear and worry ever cross my mind? Of course, but I would not give in to it, because I knew if I did my faith would fail and God could not bless me.

We as Christians do not realize the power and authority that has been given to us through Jesus. Remember the " What Would Jesus Do " phase? Well, what would Jesus do? When the storm threatened him and the disciples, he spoke and commanded it to stop and guess what, it did. When money was needed to pay taxes, he told his disciples to look in a fish's mouth and guess what they found, a coin to pay the tax with. We do not see the things Jesus did or experience the things Jesus did, because we don't do what Jesus did. Jesus was acting on the word of God and the revelation he had of who he was. Who are we, but sons and daughters in Christ.

We as Christians also do not realize what we have through the covenant. Some of us do not realize we even have a covenant. When we act upon Gods word and stand on His promises we put our covenant into action. Giving our tithe puts that covenant into motion and God is waiting to do his part. All we have to do is ours. When we do we are telling the recession where to go.

In Christ

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