
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tell The Recession Where To Go! Pt.2

Last time, I talked to you about tithing and the importance of tithing and how the tithe is Gods door to bless us. I want to talk you know about another aspect of telling the recession where to go. That aspect is your authority in Christ. 

Ephesians 6:12 says, 

          " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. "

Notice that it says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. Another way to describe wrestle is a struggle. When two people are wrestling, each person is struggling against the other to try and overcome them for the victory. Now, how often do you feel like you are struggling, whether it be physically or financially and feel as though you are overcome? Now, notice again the verse says, " against flesh and blood ". That means that our real enemy, the ones we wrestle/struggle with for the victory are not people. Yes, that co-worker that continuously ticks you off is not your real enemy. That family member that you don't seem to get along with is not your enemy. Those in the government or wall street or whoever that allowed the economy to get in to the shape its in are not your enemy. Satan and his demonic spirits that tempted, manipulated, and worked through those people are your enemy. Now, I will say this, I don't believe there is a demon behind every bush, but I do believe every bush has the potential of having a demon behind it. This is where discernment and wisdom come in. 

You may say, well brother your right I do feel like I do an awful lot of struggling, but I feel so powerless to win. Let me help. Let's take a look at another scripture.

Luke 10:19
       " Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. "

The word power in the beginning of the verse, in the original Greek, means authority. So, what Jesus was actually saying was that He has given us authority over the power of the enemy. 
Now remember who our enemy is. Not people but Satan and his demons. Jesus gave us authority over the power that Satan and his demons had to hurt us with. Now does that mean we won't get hurt at all? No, we live in a fallen world and deal with an ungodly, unrighteous world system and ungodly people who are led by it. The truth is that when circumstance and issues come at us, it is our response to those circumstances and issues that determines who takes the victory.  

Remember when I said we don't see the things Jesus did because we don't do what Jesus did? Jesus walked in authority and stood firm and confident in it. He cast out demons, he healed the sick, he multiplied a couple of fish and loaves of bread to feed over five thousand people, and then He gave us the power to do the same things. 

Well brother isn't that like trying to be Jesus. No, it's trying to be like Jesus. Christian, Christ-like. It means walking in the power and authority that God has given us through Jesus to take dominion over the circumstances and issues we face, such as the recession. When Jesus spoke to a fig tree and commanded it to die, it was whithered up the next day.  When Jesus cast Legion out of the man from Gadara, He told the demons where to go. Likewise we must do with our circumstances. Take your place of authority in Christ Jesus and tell the recession as far as your life is concerned where it can go. 

In Christ, 

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