
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ministry Update

As of right now, there is only an hour and 30 minutes left in 2009. I would like to send out a couple of thank yous. The first one goes out to my Pastor, Pastor Frankie Powell of World Outreach Center. His wisdom, guidance, and practicality was the refreshing breath that gave a much needed nudge which resulted in the birth of For This Cause and Leadership Up. The second thank you goes to Christy Glaser for the invitation to guest write an article for Impulse, the Myasthenia Gravis newsletter. It was an honor to do so. A third thank you goes out to Pastor Brandon Mathews, youth pastor of World Outreach Center and founder of Cultivate who's technical support and knowledge were great assistance in the launch of For This Cause and Leadership Up. A thank you to my wife Heidi for her love and encouragement.

God is giving great ideas concerning For This Cause Ministries. I did not get to write everything I had hoped this year but I am looking forward to writing more articles in 2010 for both For This Cause and Leadership Up. I now have an e-mail address which was a product of my wife. Any questions, comments, or thoughts you would like to share concerning For This Cause or Leadership Up can be sent via

I would lastly like to say thank you to all who have shown interest and read For This Cause or Leadership Up. Your interest is greatly appreciated.

Expect God to show Himself strong and faithful in your life in 2010. Your time for faith is now.

In Christ, Kevin

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do You Hear Me?

A friend of mine's wife just left on mission trip to Ethiopia. Her field is veterinary skills and she is going to minister to the people of Ethiopia and help teach them how to give medical care to their animals and live stock. She will be gone for a month at least. My friend I believe is already feeling the anxiety of the separation. He knows their calling is to the mission field and that one day they both will be ministering together in a foreign land. Knowing this though doesn't make the present separation easier. When you love someone and they are your " soul mate ", every long period of separation can seem like an eternity.

My friend, in his seeming alone'ness , asked this question; " Why do we have to go to the other side of the world to hear God?". Now I believe I know what he was really saying and I believe he knows the answer to his own question, but it did bring me to the thought of this question. Are you hearing God? If so how and where do you hear him?

We don't have to go to the other side of the world to hear God speak to us. Usually we are going to the other side of the world because we heard God speak to us. But, the thing we most deal with is the act of hearing God. We constantly go through moments when we think we are hearing God's voice but are unsure. Is it Him, is me, or is it the devil?

John 10:4
" When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. "

In this scripture we can see two things. The first being that he (God) goes ahead of his sheep (us). He goes ahead of us to lead the way and to clear the way. He knows the way and He knows there can be danger along the way. We would never send our children down a path that we hadn't already cleared for them, or had brought them along to show them how to walk that path and be aware of possible dangers. The second thing is that the sheep hear his voice. Sheep learn their shepherds voice because they have heard it over and over and listened to it over and over. Shepherds spend vast amounts of time alone with their sheep so the sheep learn their voices and will not follow another. This is how we are and must be with God. We must learn and teach ourselves to get alone with God and clear out the clutter of each day and clear out those things that are harmful to our relationship with Him.

Learning to hear God's voice is an important part of our relationship with Him. People who cannot hear each other, cannot communicate their thoughts and feelings to each other. It doesn't take going to the other side of the world to be able to hear God, but it does take spending time with him to learn and know His voice. Do you hear me?

In Christ, Kevin

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Righteous or Religous?

We have all at one time or another struggled with righteousness, whether the struggle with living a righteous life or accepting that we are righteous in God's eye's, but have you ever noticed that no one seems to have any difficulty with being religious? If you took a poll and asked people what the difference between being righteous and religious is, I am confident that you would get mostly the same response that they are the same thing. Most people equate righteousness with religion because they suppose that religion means going to church and doing good or right and that is called being righteous.

The truth is that righteousness and religiousness are two very different things. Righteousness is defined as; acting right, acting according to what is right. If we are to be Christians (Christ like), then we are to obey and live according to the word of God, the Bible. Following Jesus and living according to God's word, helps make us righteous. We could not be righteous on our own. Jesus' sacrifice and our acceptance (receiving Him as savior) makes us righteous or in right standing with God.

Ephesians 4:23,24
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

That verse in Ephesians almost sums it up. We have to be renewed in our minds (thinking) to the truth that we have been made righteous and then we put on the new man (change our actions) and begin to live righteously in which God had originally created us to be. Basically righteousness is doing things God's way, with God's guidance. This doesn't mean we won't mess up and miss the mark. We still have the sinful nature of our flesh to contend with. That is where God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness comes in.

Now, what about religiousness?

Religion is defined as; A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. I chose this particular definition to show that the term religion is actually broader than what we are used to accepting it as. This broader definition shows that the term religion can apply to more than Christianity. Being religious is simply devotion to what we believe is right or righteous.

Now you may be wondering what would be wrong with that. The answer is nothing would be, except the "what we believe" part. If we hold to the word of God and His commandments, then there wouldn't be anything amiss about religious righteousness. The problem comes when we begin to insert our carnal interpretations of God's will for us without His guidance. It's kind of like those weird and silly laws that you may hear of sometimes like, " it is unlawful to peel a banana on the third day of the second month while crossing the state line". I know that is a bit far fetched but there are some laws there were just that outlandish.
You see, serving God, going to church, not drinking, not smoking, not doing this or that or doing this or that out of religious duty is actually righteousness of our own will and not of God's.

I heard this statement, which actually was the basis of this article. " Righteousness is when we try to do God's will His way and religion is when we try to do God's will our way".

Now, the question is how do we determine if we are living righteous or religious? We determine it by going to God and surrendering our will to His. We must be willing to allow God to show us the way we should go and be willing to go, even in the face of adversity. We must show a true relationship with God. It is true relationships that get noticed and that people envy. When you see someone with a true relationship with God, you want what they have. God wants that to. He wants a true relationship with you. Developing and cultivating that kind of relationship with God enables us to walk in true righteousness and not false religion.

In Christ,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ministry Update

Hello, and welcome to For This Cause Ministries. Decided to start doing ministry update since it has been so long since my last article. I have not been impressed to write about any particular subject as of late. I like to write articles that I specifically feel God has impressed upon me to write. I usually feel a sense of urgency with these types of articles. That doesn't mean I won't write an article that I have not felt an impression to write. I have had issues and titles run through my thoughts lately and also I have the beginnings of articles that I could finish. I just like it better when I feel the impression from God, because the article seems to flow better and quicker. I also have not had a new article for a while because of a busy schedule and I have been teaching classes for Global Church Network School of Ministry, which is a bible school founded by my pastor.
There will be new articles coming soon for both For This Cause and for Leadership Up. I also am thinking about starting a new section of articles for For This Cause aimed at teens called Amp or Amped.
Lastly if there is a subject that you would like to know about, just leave a comment in the comment box provided at the end of this update. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

In Christ,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt

Have you ever heard that statement before? Possibly as in, " I know it beyond the shadow of a doubt". Usually someone may say this meaning that they believe they know the absolute truth of something and have no doubt of its validity. When you are absolutely sure of something and have no doubt of it whatsoever, there is nothing that can make you move from that knowledge or believe otherwise.
Have you ever been in a situation where you had the opportunity to do something and everything looked great and favorable, but you had just a small feeling of fear that it wouldn't work out as planned? That small feeling of fear, is the shadow of a doubt. Doubt is defined as distrust, a lack of confidence, fear. Doubt has kept many people from doing great things. Doubt can cripple and destroy faith.
We need to realize something. A shadow never hurt anyone and a shadow is always bigger than the actual thing it is the shadow of. Have you ever seen in a cartoon where a big scary shadow was creeping up on someone and they were afraid of what was coming, but when it got there it was nothing to be afraid of? That is what Satan wants to trick us into thinking whenever we get stirred up or compelled by God to do something for Him and the kingdom or something that would show His glory.
God tells us He will lead and guide us. Psalm 32:8 says,
" I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide the with mine eye".
God is telling us that He will explain and teach us the way we should go with our lives. He says that he will guide us with His eye. I know that sounds weird, but think of it like this. As He is guiding us, we will see things as He sees them and see the things He sees. If we see things as He sees and as He sees them, then there is nothing we could not be prepared to handle or face. We may still have to face it, but it will not be as hard to face it as it would be if we were to be taken by surprise. One of my favorite verses in the bible is Hebrews 11:1.
" Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ".
Let's look at this verse a little closer. It says faith is the substance of things hoped for. Substance is what makes up something, i.e. a house is made of wood and metals and plastics and stones. Faith, which is believing and trusting God to do what He says He will do, is the substance of whatever you are hoping for. Hope means to expect. We have taken hope and turned it into wishing in our lives. We say " I sure hope so ", or " I hope it does ". What we are really saying is I wish it would happen, but I really don't expect it to. We have to turn our hope around from wishing to expecting.
The second part, faith is the evidence of things not seen. Again faith meaning to believe and trust God. Evidence, what is evidence? Evidence is proof of something. When someone is in court they must have evidence or proof of whatever it is they are trying to convince the judge and jury of. So faith ( your belief and trust in God to do what He says He will do ) is the evidence of whatever it may be that you are hoping ( expecting ) for but do not see at the present moment.
Living by faith is not easy. It isn't supposed to be. If it was easy then it wouldn't be faith. The bible says that the just live by faith and that it is impossible to please God without faith. What this means is that if we are Christ followers, Christians and God is our God then we should be able to trust Him as such. It makes us feel good when we know someone sees us as trustworthy. God wants us to allow Him to prove His trustworthiness to us. He wants us to trust Him with our lives. That is why living by faith pleases Him. He wants us to trust in Him.
I believe when we overcome fear in our lives, in whatever form it may be in, then we can walk in faith and God can direct our paths and show Himself to an unbelieving world. Doing this we will move beyond the shadow of a doubt.
In Christ, Kevin

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bring The Pain Pt.3

Inflict The Pain

Have you ever wanted to hurt someone? I mean someone who has hurt you or done you wrong in some way. Come on now, be honest. Almost everyone at some time has wanted to inflict pain upon those that either hurt us or someone we care for. We have in us the God given desire for justice that we in our carnality can misplace.

I remember going through many times in my life that people had done wrong to me in some way or another. I, in my hurt and pain would imagine somehow getting even with those people or that somehow they would get what they deserved. The truth is all I wanted was justice. All I wanted was for those people that I felt shouldn't have done the things they did to me, to feel the hurt and pain that I was. I wanted them to know they had hurt me and be sorry for it. The reality is that may never happen. The other reality is that if we do not learn to deal with that reality, then those people will always have control of that part of our lives.

Consider what Romans 12:19 says, " Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord".

I read a saying that went like this, " He who angers you, owns you " (author unknown). It is true if you think about it. Every time you think about that person and what they did, you are allowing it to dictate and determine how you feel and your attitude, thereby controlling you. I have just finished reading a novel where the main character survived and won his battles because he never lost his cool, he never acted upon his emotions, and he out thought his opponents. This is kind of how we have to deal with situations. We have to control our emotions, not our emotions controlling us. God gave us emotions to be regarded in that aspect. We don't necessarily have to out think someone, but understand and act upon what we know God would think.

One thing we must learn and keep in our thinking is that whoever it is that is doing us wrong are not the ones we are in conflict with.

Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".

Jesus knew this as He was on His journey to the cross. Satan had caused great hurt and pain to God through his deception of Adam and Eve. Satan know held ownership to God's greatest creation, us. Many people ask why God didn't just put and end to Satan or Lucifer as he was known then and set everything right. If He had done that, which He very well could have and had the power to do, then God would have been wrong and negated His word and that which He spoke into existence. Jesus was the one who brought justice to the world, but not in the aspect we think. He paid the price for our souls and went to hell in our place. Satan accepted Jesus as the sacrifice thinking he had won. The catch was that Jesus was paying a price He did not owe. He was sinless and blameless. Now it was time for justice.

Colossians 2:15 says, " And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it ".

Jesus inflicted a little pain upon Satan and his demons. He defeated them and took ownership of his domain. Jesus took the keys to death, hell, and the grave. When you have the keys to something, that usually means you own it. Jesus then gave the power of that victory to us.

Luke 10:19 says, " Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you".

We now have the power over Satan and his demons. The only way he can attempt to have power over us is by using other people to hurt us. The only way that can happen is if we allow it. We allow Satan control by holding on to the hurts and pains from others. It is not an easy thing to do, to look past the person to see the evil force behind their actions, but it can be done. Jesus inflicted pain upon Satan when He defeated him at the cross, now we can inflict pain upon him by defeating him in our daily lives. Gird yourselves up. Begin to walk in the Spirit and love of God and inflict the pain.

In Christ, Kevin

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bring The Pain Pt. 2

Release The Pain

We all have or have had pain of some kind in our lives. The issue comes in how long we have those pains. Emotional pains and pains that come from sin last a very long time especially when those pains involve other people. Hurts that come from things we have done can usually be healed quickly when repentance and the effort to make restitution are involved. Hurts that come from others though are not so quickly healed.

I know that sometimes we can see or at least try to see from two perspectives about hurts that are done to us. One perspective is letting it go and getting over it. The other perspective is maybe forgiving, but not forgetting. It's hard not to do this. When we've been burned by someone we certainly don't want to let that happen again. Hurt me once shame on you, hurt me twice shame on me. We have a tendency to take account of the wrongs done to us. We talk about it and talk about it, rehearsing it over and over. We enter into bitter criticism against whoever hurt us, whenever the opportunity arises. Basically we are trying to take revenge in any possible way. We want justice. We want those that hurt us to know they hurt us and be sorry for it. The kicker is that it will most likely never happen. I have had situations where someone close hurt me and after a time of healing I would approach these people and make an apology for my wrongs. I tried to have the attitude that it wouldn't matter if the other person apologized or not, but I honestly was secretly hoping they would. When it didn't happen, I had to deal with that disappointment and actually resolve myself that it never would in order to be able to move forward.

We are human and born with a carnal nature. That carnal nature is what seeks revenge for things done wrong to us. As Christ followers though, we are called to walk in a higher place in Christ. The world says revenge. God says forgive. It seems like the most un-natural thing to do and that is right, it is a super natural thing to do. The bible says to not be conformed to this world. It is talking about not conforming to the worlds way of thinking and doing in anything no matter what it is. Gods ways are higher than our ways and that is what we should conform to. His ways.

You may ask though, How? How can we just let something go? If I do that then everyone will see me as weak or the person that hurt me will just keep on doing it again and again. Let's look at some scripture on this.

" Whenever you stand praying, if you have a grievance against any one, forgive it, so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your offenses. " Mark 11:26,26 (Weymouth New Testament In Modern Speech)

The biggest reason to forgive the hurts and pains done to us is so that God can place forgiveness upon us. If we don't, He can't. When we choose to forgive someone of whatever offense they may have brought against us, we are spiritually absolving ourselves and putting ourselves in right standing with God. Whether the other person forgives, repents, or whatever is between them and God and none of our concern. I know it is easier said than done.

As far as opening the door to be hurt over and over again, God gives us wisdom to not repeatedly put ourselves in situations. There has been a couple of times in my relationships with friends that I have had to make the decision that I wasn't going to put myself in certain situations with them because I was usually hurt in the end. I am still friends with these people, still interact with them, I just try to use wisdom and not open myself up for unnecessary pain.

Let's look at it this way. The pain and hurt that Jesus experienced while being beaten and crucified was about as unjustified as you could get. Yet, He willingly received all of that pain. Why? He knew something greater was more at stake than His being right and being justified to the people. What was at stake you may ask? The people. Every person from the beginning with Adam and Eve to right now present day. Our eternal salvation was the prize He had to win. We have to remember, and this one is hard also, that no one is perfect. No one has it all together. We are a people with issues, sins, and irritating idiosyncrasies. In short we have hang ups. Jesus was hung up for our hang ups. He was even beaten and crucified for those that have brought pain into our lives.

Jesus received all of the hurt and pain that was meant for us, that should have been ours to take, and still had love and compassion to ask God to forgive those who had put Him there. He took all of that pain. Every painful thing conceivable through time He bore and then released us from it. This is why it is important that we, no matter how difficult it seems or how long it may take, to find strength in Him and forgive and release those who hurt us and brought pain to us. When we can do this, we can release the pain.

In Christ, Kevin

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bring The Pain Pt. 1

Feel The Pain

We have all had pain in our lives. It may have been physical pain, emotional, or even mental pain, but we have all had some type of pain since we were born and began our lives. Some pain we feel is greater than others. Some bearable and some seemingly unbearable. I know, and can speak from experience, that there is pain we think will never end. These types of pains are usually emotional pains.

I believe the greatest pain a person can feel is the pain of separation. This type of pain touches us mentally, emotionally, physically, and even sometimes spiritually. If someone loses somebody to death, their first thought is what are they going to do. This same thought crosses the minds of those who go through the pain of divorce.

What makes the pain of separation greater than any other pain? I believe it is because God's purpose for man was not for him to be alone.

" And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." Genesis 2:18 (KJV)

Because God had created man in His image and likeness, which means He made man to be like Him in every aspect, He also put in him the desire and need for companionship. Time and again scientific experiments show that people who are deprived from any social contact begin to show signs of mental breakdown. I watched part of a Twilight Zone episode that depicted a futuristic society where the punishment for certain crimes was a sentence of invisibility. A person would not be locked up but rather marked on the forehead. Those who saw the mark of invisibility on their forehead knew they were to act as though that person wasn't there. Totally ignore the person, thus making them invisible. A man who had been sentenced to invisibility acted as though it was fun and great at first, but the more people ignored him and refused to talk to him the more desperate for communication he became. He would beg people to speak to him. Did you ever wonder why solitary confinement was supposed to be so terrible of a sentence for someone? That need for social interaction goes to the heart of who we are and even to our spirit.

I have often heard that the most horrifying thing about hell is not the physical pain that never ends. Not the torture on the damned spirit or burning forever in the lake of fire. Possibly the most horrifying element of hell is total eternal separation from God. Complete and total separation from the one who created us and breathed life into us. I know that when I have missed the mark or for a better terminology, sinned, the distance I feel from God is to the point of depressing. Sin separates us from God. The bible asks the question, how can light and darkness co-exist. God is light and sin is darkness.

For all the pain we experience and feel in our lives, that pain of being separated from God is the one we should strive to avoid. I believe God hurts every time we hurt no matter what that hurt may be, it's just the fact that we His children are hurting. I cringe at the mere thought of one of my children being hurt.
Jesus bore the pain and paid the price of our sin. He felt the excruciating pain of separation as he prayed in the garden of Eden. The mental anguish of being separated from God the Father shook him to his core.

"And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." St. Luke 22:44 (KJV)

It has been said that a person can reach such despair that there blood vessels can burst and they will literally sweat blood, but a person has to be in that extreme state for it to happen. Jesus was obviously in that state of despair. The bible says that God turned His back on Jesus. It has been said that God turned His back because He could not bear to see His son Jesus that way. In a sense that may be true, but Jesus was taking our sins upon himself and God was separating from that sin. Through all of that Jesus still prayed not his will, but God's will be done. When we are feeling pain all we can pray is please take it away.

We live in a fallen world. We are imperfect people living with imperfect people. Hurts and pains will always be in our lives until Jesus returns. The solution to feeling the pain isn't trying to not feel it, but embrace it for what it is and know that it is not a lasting thing. When I went through some of the most devastating and painful times of my life I wanted nothing more than for it to end. I searched and did anything I could to learn how to stop the pain. What I learned was that I wasn't alone in my pain. Jesus was there with me, in the form of friends and things like music and God's word that helped the healing. I also learned that time heals all wounds, if you let it. Feeling pain is just the momentary circumstance. Healing pain is an on going process. The process of Jesus. Bring the pain.

In Christ, Kevin

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Truth: Prosperity

Since the "Prosperity Gospel" as it is called began to be preached, mostly by Word of Faith teachers, there has been great controversy and argument over the subject. There are those who contend that God's blessings and particularly prosperity is for us and that we should be living prosperous. Then there are those who say that the prosperity teachings are false and erroneous.

I recently had someone say that they would like to know the truth about prosperity and not just what so and so says about it. Well, in a sense what so and so says is usually what they have heard a prosperity teacher say and usually the truth of the teaching is not conveyed or only a part of it is, which creates a misunderstanding of it. All of this can lead to confusion and frustration. I want to offer what the bible says concerning prosperity and some wisdom and understanding that I have gained on the subject.
I will be honest and say that I do believe in prosperity and that it is God's will for His children to prosper. I also believe that prosperity has been taught in error by some. This is for learning and understanding, not unproductive arguments. I know what I believe and why and stand firm in that. It is my goal to help guide you to that place of understanding also. I encourage you to search the Word for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you. This is also not everything that could be said on the subject of prosperity, but a beginning at least. Now with that said, let's begin.

First of all, is it God's will for us to prosper? Let's look at this scripture.

" Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John v2 (KJV)

This is not God directly speaking, but rather John to Gaius. We know though that the writing of scripture was inspired by God through the prophets. John may have been writing to someone else, but God was writing to us. He says that He wishes above all things that we may prosper and be in health. With that we mus understand what prosperity is.

The world's definition of prosperity is financial gain, social favor, good looks, nice cars, and big homes. There is nothing wrong with any of those things if they are kept in their proper place. True prosperity is the ability to use God's ability and power to meet the needs of mankind-regardless of what those needs may be. What that means is, we are to walk in the word of God and be led of the Holy Spirit, doing those things which God directs us. Let me say it this way. You are to be a hose pipe. Yes, a hose pipe. A hose pipe that is used by it's owner stays wet on the inside as it is used to water other things. God uses us as the hose pipe/avenue through which He blesses His people and in that process we stay blessed/prosperous.
The last part of the scripture says, "even as thy soul prospereth". Now we have to understand that our soul is not our spirit. They are two different things. Man is made up of three parts. We are a spirit, we live in a body, and we have a soul. Our soul consists of our mind, will and emotions. So when God says He wants our souls to prosper, He means this; We are to learn and gain knowledge and purpose/will to use that knowledge with wisdom and compassion/emotions for others.

You see I firmly believe that God does want us to prosper, even financially prosper, but not for our selfish, human wants. Financial prosperity is not a sign of God's blessing. If that were so, then wealthy drug lords, pornographers, etc. would be spiritual powerhouses. Material wealth can be connected to the blessings of God or it can be totally disconnected from them.

Now, one verse of scripture that is also commonly associated with prosperity is this one.

" Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye met withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38 (KJV)

This verse clearly states that if we give/be a blessing, then blessings/prosperity will be given to us. It states that the blessings will be so much that they are pressed down and shaken together to make room and they still run over. The next part tells us who God will use to bless us. He will use men. God uses us to bless and prosper each other.

Some people have used this verse with misplaced good intentions and some have used it with manipulative purposes. Prosperity is not giving to get. Giving to the church or a ministry or into someones life is not a type of heavenly vending machine. I firmly believe it is a matter of the heart. Your heart felt reason for giving something whether it is a financial blessing or blessing someone with a particular thing is what determines the return blessings you receive.

Many have erred in the teaching of prosperity. They have erred in the understanding of what true prosperity is. They have also erred in using what God meant as blessings for His children for their own gain.
I was once involved with a ministry who's uses of church and ministry finances became questionable. Other people who were involved with this ministry were upset and offended that tithes and offerings they had given were possibly being misused. This is how I see it. When I give my tithes and offerings, I am giving in obedience to God's word and from my heart. I am giving to God what already belongs to Him for His kingdom and the gospel. Once I give, then it is no longer my concern what happens with it. If it is misused then that will be between that person and God. I'm not saying that if someone is found to be misusing church funds they should not be dealt with, I am saying that the blessings I receive from my giving doe not depend on what they do with it, only my heart reason for giving does.

The main focus of biblical prosperity is not to prosper, but to seek the one who prospers us. We sometimes unintentionally forget that it is God who has given us the power to prosper and Jesus who has made it possible once again for us to be prosperous.

" But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus"
Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

God supplies our needs. What needs? All our needs, whatever those needs may be. How does He supply them? According to His riches, not ours, His. Now what would God consider riches? How is He going to do it? By Christ Jesus. Jesus who bought back for us everything that Satan tricked Adam out of. Adam owned the world and so do we. That is the truth.

In Christ, Kevin

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here's Your Sign !

I usually don't care for church signs. The reason being that most of the time the messages are bad rip offs of some slogan or they are just plain cheesy. Not to offend any brothers or sisters who may attend a church that has had a sign like that. Every now and then I do see one that is a particularly good one.

I was on my way home and taking a side road when I passed a church who's sign said, "Remember Who You Are". That was it, no scripture, no pointing to Jesus as savior, no reference on going to heaven, just simply "Remember Who You Are".

I think that if there ever was a church sign that actually caused you to stop and think, it would be this one. The reason for that is, the question of who we are is often a big question that we keep seeking the answer for. Some of us think we know who we are and may to an extent. Here is what the Bible says.

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8: 16,17 (KJV)

This verse first says that the Spirit, the Holy Spirit or Spirit of God, confirms or agrees with our spirit that we are children of God. You see when we are born again, saved, or receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our spirit comes alive to Christ and we are set in our place as a child of God. That verse also says that if we are children of God then we are heirs of God. That means we inherit the kingdom and blessings of God. We are brothers and sisters to Jesus and we are to walk/live in the same authority and confidence of that, just like Jesus did. That is who we are.

You may be thinking right now that this couldn't apply to you. You may be thinking that you are born again, but you have a sin problem. Number one, everyone has a sin problem. Sin is in this world and has been since the fall of Adam. Number two, your sin is not what defines who you are. God defines who you are. The word of God and who it says you are defines who you are. I heard a minister say it like this once. " I am a child of God, a minister of the gospel who walks in the power and authority of Jesus Christ, that is who I am, this addiction/sin is just an issue I am having to deal with". Did you get that? Not belittling the seriousness of addictions and sins, but they are not who you are. A drug addict is not who you are, a porn addict is not who you are, those are fleshly things you have to deal with and overcome. Who you are is on the inside of you, in your spirit. Remember when Paul said, " I do the things I don't want to do and don't do the things I want to do"? The things he wanted to do were the things of God the godly desires of his spirit. The things he didn't want to do were those things that his flesh desired to do. How many of us can say we have given in to an addiction or sin only to turn around and say, why did I do that? This may help that understanding.

Anyone who listens to the word and does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does. James 1:23-25 (NIV)

We have to constantly keep the Word of God before us. I know there are times when I have to "recharge" with with the Word. I to can forget who I am and let the Word slip in my life. We can become like a man who is in a row boat rowing up stream against the flow of the water. He can stop rowing and keep going in the same direction for a bit because of the momentum he has built up, but gradually he will slow and be moving with the waters flow. He may still be facing the right direction, but he is traveling backward the entire time. We can be going against the flow of the world and society, but we can become lax in what we believe or begin to tolerate and allow certain things and not realize we have begun to flow with the world.

Folks, in case you haven't noticed, this world is sick. It's heading south faster and faster and taking people that Jesus died for with it. The Bible says that the world is in turmoil looking for the sons of God to appear. The sons' of God are us. We need to shake off the depression and oppression of the world and circumstances that are slowing us down and rise up and remember who we are and fight the good fight of faith. Here's your sign.

" Remember Who You Are "

In Christ,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Death Touched By Life

" Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? " John 11:25,26

I want to share with you a story that a friend of mine told me this morning about his daughter. His daughter is studying to be an RN and works at a local hospital. The young lady was given charge of an elderly woman who was expected to pass away at anytime. It was her job to take care of this elderly woman day to day. The elderly ladies vital signs had been slowly decreasing when she had a bowel movement.
This young lady, who is a christian, had gone in to clean the woman when she had the unction to say this to her. She told her that she knew she couldn't speak, but she felt that she needed to know that Jesus loved her and accepted her. She told her it didn't matter what she had done or didn't do and even though she couldn't speak that if she said in her mind that she believed in Jesus and received Him that He would accept her. The young lady said it seemed as though that after a few moments the elderly woman's countenance had changed to a peaceful state.
As the my friends daughter began to clean the woman and roll her on her side to do so, the elderly lady passed away. My friends daughter came home that evening saddened by the event of the woman passing as she was turning her. My friend explained to his daughter that she was seeing the event all wrong. He helped her see that the woman's death was not a result of her actions and that she had actually provided something the woman may not have had. Someone to love and care for her in her final moments and allow her to pass with dignity by cleaning her after she had gone.
The young lady had a chance during one of her student classes to relate the event to her teacher and classmates. None of them had a dry eye as she told the story. There the young lady gave her classmates and teacher a reminder of why they do what they do.

Last weekend my wife's grandmother had a stroke and it was thought she was not going to make it. My wife went to Mississippi to be with her grandmother and family. Her grandmother was brought home and put on hospice. My wife, having a hospitality gifting, wanted to stay for the week and take care of any needs her family may have and assist them with her grandmother. She got to spend time with family that we don't get to see often and can only spend a short time with when we visit. It meant a lot to my wife to be able to do this and by the time she had came home her grandmother's condition had improved a little. My wife said she wasn't for sure, but she thought that seeing all the family and everyone being around had done her grandmother some good.

We walk through this life with the knowledge that there is another life beyond our physical senses. There are those who have claimed to have "near death" experiences or visions and have seen glimpses of what is on the other side. Some good and some bad, but most of us for whatever reason have not. Yet, we don't realize how close we come that other side through other people. One young lady helped someone pass with peace and dignity. Another helped ease the possibility of a loved ones passing by bearing certain burdens.
We never know how many lives we are touching because we never see all the faces at once. Through each one of these people, the love of Jesus touched other people. The young lady touched an elderly woman's family and her fellow students who in turn will touch others with her story. My wife touched her family which allowed them to touch each other. Who will Jesus be able to touch through you?

In Christ,

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tell The Recession Where To Go! Pt.2

Last time, I talked to you about tithing and the importance of tithing and how the tithe is Gods door to bless us. I want to talk you know about another aspect of telling the recession where to go. That aspect is your authority in Christ. 

Ephesians 6:12 says, 

          " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. "

Notice that it says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. Another way to describe wrestle is a struggle. When two people are wrestling, each person is struggling against the other to try and overcome them for the victory. Now, how often do you feel like you are struggling, whether it be physically or financially and feel as though you are overcome? Now, notice again the verse says, " against flesh and blood ". That means that our real enemy, the ones we wrestle/struggle with for the victory are not people. Yes, that co-worker that continuously ticks you off is not your real enemy. That family member that you don't seem to get along with is not your enemy. Those in the government or wall street or whoever that allowed the economy to get in to the shape its in are not your enemy. Satan and his demonic spirits that tempted, manipulated, and worked through those people are your enemy. Now, I will say this, I don't believe there is a demon behind every bush, but I do believe every bush has the potential of having a demon behind it. This is where discernment and wisdom come in. 

You may say, well brother your right I do feel like I do an awful lot of struggling, but I feel so powerless to win. Let me help. Let's take a look at another scripture.

Luke 10:19
       " Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. "

The word power in the beginning of the verse, in the original Greek, means authority. So, what Jesus was actually saying was that He has given us authority over the power of the enemy. 
Now remember who our enemy is. Not people but Satan and his demons. Jesus gave us authority over the power that Satan and his demons had to hurt us with. Now does that mean we won't get hurt at all? No, we live in a fallen world and deal with an ungodly, unrighteous world system and ungodly people who are led by it. The truth is that when circumstance and issues come at us, it is our response to those circumstances and issues that determines who takes the victory.  

Remember when I said we don't see the things Jesus did because we don't do what Jesus did? Jesus walked in authority and stood firm and confident in it. He cast out demons, he healed the sick, he multiplied a couple of fish and loaves of bread to feed over five thousand people, and then He gave us the power to do the same things. 

Well brother isn't that like trying to be Jesus. No, it's trying to be like Jesus. Christian, Christ-like. It means walking in the power and authority that God has given us through Jesus to take dominion over the circumstances and issues we face, such as the recession. When Jesus spoke to a fig tree and commanded it to die, it was whithered up the next day.  When Jesus cast Legion out of the man from Gadara, He told the demons where to go. Likewise we must do with our circumstances. Take your place of authority in Christ Jesus and tell the recession as far as your life is concerned where it can go. 

In Christ, 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tell The Recession Where To Go! Pt.1

Have you ever had one of those moments where you have a thought to do something kinda out of your normal routine, like go into a store you don't normally go to or take a different route somewhere? You might have thought that it was nothing special until God shows you something and then you realize it was Him leading you. Well, I had one of those instances on my way home from work one afternoon.

It was a normal day, nothing spectacular. On this day I didn't have to pick up my daughters from daycare. The thought crossed my mind to take a slightly different route home on the interstate. I didn't think much of it, just a change of scenery. Well, driving along my attention was drawn to a billboard with a beer advertisement on it. The sign said, " Tell The Recession Where To Go" and had a picture of a particular brand of beer beside it. God got my attention with that sign. The advertisement was suggesting you to drink the problem of the recession away. Now I know and hopefully you do to, that drinking isn't going to make the recession or economic problems to go away and I know that's not what God was saying. But, here is what I believe and know He is saying to me and you.

Do you realize that in America, the "free world" that we are not really free? There is one thing that dictates to us our lives and how we live it. Not our boss', not our spouse', not the government or President. It's money. Money is the one thing that tells us where we can go, what we can drive, what we can wear, eat, drink, and even who we can be with. Money is the one thing that touches every part of our lives. Think about it.

I believe this is why God said in His word that we should tithe.

" Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." Proverbs 3:9,10

When we tithe, we are allowing God to touch the one thing that touches all areas of our lives and bless us in each of those areas. God has sustained me and my family through some economically tough times. Yes, we have had to tighten up here or there at times, maybe not spend as freely or frivolously as we have, but we did not hurt or lack in anything. When gas prices went up and fear began to grip the nation, I was confident and stood firm on God's word. His promise of provision and the covenant I have with him through Jesus Christ and being a tither. Did the fear and worry ever cross my mind? Of course, but I would not give in to it, because I knew if I did my faith would fail and God could not bless me.

We as Christians do not realize the power and authority that has been given to us through Jesus. Remember the " What Would Jesus Do " phase? Well, what would Jesus do? When the storm threatened him and the disciples, he spoke and commanded it to stop and guess what, it did. When money was needed to pay taxes, he told his disciples to look in a fish's mouth and guess what they found, a coin to pay the tax with. We do not see the things Jesus did or experience the things Jesus did, because we don't do what Jesus did. Jesus was acting on the word of God and the revelation he had of who he was. Who are we, but sons and daughters in Christ.

We as Christians also do not realize what we have through the covenant. Some of us do not realize we even have a covenant. When we act upon Gods word and stand on His promises we put our covenant into action. Giving our tithe puts that covenant into motion and God is waiting to do his part. All we have to do is ours. When we do we are telling the recession where to go.

In Christ

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 7

7. The Lover

A real man has to be a lover. A lover of life, a lover of his children, a lover of his wife, and most of all a lover of his God. As the lover a real man isn't afraid of tender things and doesn't shy away from romance.
In today's society, the enemy has so distorted and warped the perception of love, that many men have forgotten what it truly means to love. Pride keeps them from trying. Lust and greed capture their attention and steal it away. As a result, young people never learn and understand what true love is.
We as men sometimes think it unmanly to delight in the love of tender things or show tender emotion. The idea of the hopless romantic has all but become a thing of the past. I used to be a hopeless romantic. I thought often of being in love and tried to imagine what it would be like. I found out love wasn't all I thought or imagined. It's not the butterflies in the stomach or the oogly googlies. It's commitment and sacrifice. It's doing when you don't want to. It's giving and getting at the same time.
The lover has to for love's sake ignore society to be the real man his wife and children need. It's not abnormal to love one woman and it's not weak to show it. I made my wife a mix cd. Back in a day it would have been a mix tape. I gave it to her for Valentines day one year. I titled the cd " A Little Bit of Me ". It was songs that through the music and lyrics said and showed things I wanted to say. She smiles and gets the oogly googlies whenever I play it.
Being a good parent is showing your children strength in love, with love, through love. Sometimes it's hard to correct your child when they are very young, because when they cry you feel bad. When our oldes child who is three dis-obeys, we spank, then we help her understand why she got a spanking and last we hug and kiss and say I love you. She will hopefully understand correction is not because we hate her but because we love her and not despise it and us.
Have you noticed that lots of things revolve around love. I love this or I love that. Doing what you love. Loving someone. Being loved by someone. Love by far is not an outdated concept. Love was created and put in motion by love Himself. Love gave love as a sacrifice for love. Tina Turner once asked " What's Love Got To Do With It ? ". Everything Tina, everything.

In Christ, Kevin

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt.6

6. The Knight in Shining Armor

When little girls dream of knights in shining armor, they think of a handsome young man riding on a white horse coming to take them away to a life of love and romance. When little boys think of knights in armor (notice I didn't say shining) they think of sword fights and defeating their enemies in battle.
I have alaways loved fantasy stories and movies, especially if they are medieval fantasy like Lord of the Rings or King Arthur, The Three Muskateers. My wife also shares my interest in these things also. Not so much the movies, but her interest is of course on the romance side. She surprised me on one of our vacations to Orlando by taking me to the Medieval Times dinner show.
A man has to be both types of knight in shining armor. The one little girls think of and the one little boys think of. He has to be capable of showing his love for his maiden and his valiance for fighting and vanquishing his enemies. The knight in shining armor has to be a hero to his children and a hero to his wife. He has to stand and fight for truth and honor in the service of his king.
Sometimes people make the statement that chivalry is dead. I don't so much think it is dead as I think that there has been generations of young men raised without being taught chivalry, truth and honor. They are not taught to stand for truth and justice. They are not taught honor and commitment. Young girls are not taught to look for these characteristics in boy, nor are they taught how to be honorable ladies.
Men, your girlfriend or wife should never walk behind you like a servant or a dog. They are to walk beside you in that place of honor which is rightfully theirs. Be gentleman at all times. Hold the door for a lady and open the car door for yours.
Ladies, learn to be a lady. You don't have to dress and act like a hooker to hook a real man. My wife caught my heart by what was in hers. Proverbs 31.
The true warrior, the true knight in shining armor serves. He serves his God and king, fighting for love, truth and honor. He will not love nor serve any other.

In Christ, Kevin

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 5

5. The Construction Worker

The fifth man that a man has to be is the construction worker. Raising and providing for a family can be a lot like construction work. The construction worker has to clear land, lay foundation, and build his family's home and keep it up.
I briefly worked with a great man of God who has a buisness of remodeling homes. I also have a freind who at one time was a home builder. I never thought of myself as having the skills or know how to be a construction worker, but the short time I was employed by the man who owns the remodeling business, I found that I actually enjoyed the work. Not to knock anyone who isn't a construction worker, but it made me feel like a man and that felt good. Not that I didn't feel like a man before, but you understand. I always enjoy construction projects even though I don't get to do them often.
The construction worker labors to build the perfect dwelling for his family. He has to clear away the brush and unwanted timber and dig into the earth to lay a good foundation that will support his family. This is like teaching your family the Word of God. A firm stable foundation is necessary.
The construction worker has to take the time to calculate and measure for the size of the structure. He has to put the best materials he can into the building to assure its strength and resistance. If he doesn't do the job right and he tries to cut corners, he risks an unsound building that will eventually give way. Like the story in the bible of the two men who were building houses. One man build his house upon sand and the other upon rock. When troubles and bad circumstance came the house built upon the sand or weak foundation collapsed, but he house built upon the rock stood firm.
Being a construction worker is not a totally hard job, but neither is it a totally easy one. Even if you have not been the best construction worker you could, you can still remodel and repair.

In Christ, Kevin

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 4

4. The Cowboy

Have you ever played cowboys and indians? Most kids wanted to be the cowboy. They wanted to be the Lone Ranger, The Duke, or Clint Eastwood. Those guys made it look easy and exciting. Riding the range fighting outlaws and getting the girl.
I don't know what to call it, but there was always something in me a kin to cowboys and indians. I do have native american heritage, although you couldn't tell it by looking at me and it always felt good and natural whenever I had the chance to strap a gun to my hip.
The leader of a ministry I used to be with wanted to film a western type movie one time, I actually helped him write some of the script and novel it was going to be based on. I borrowed a gun and holster from my father in-law and me and this minister friend of mine practiced quick draw on each other just for fun. He had practiced for years and was pretty quick.
Being a cowboy is not all about sheriffs, outlaws, and quick draws. A husband and father has to take on the attributes of a true cowboy from time to time.
Rough and rugged, sometimes both physically and emotionally, the cowboy whethers the elements to take care of and tend to his land and his animals. He has to keep predators from his herds. The cowboy takes care of his business and sometimes helps his neighbors take care of theirs. The cowboy protects what belongs to him. The cowboy is the one to face the danger of outlaws and ride into the hills to find a lost calf or hunt down a predator that has been killing off his animals. It's not an easy life the cowboy lives but it is his life he lives for.
The cowboy tries not to let much bother him. He trusts what he knows and knows what he can trust. Underneath the tough exterior of the cowboy is the heart that drives him. His love and passion for his family and his way of life. A real man, the cowboy treats a woman like a lady. He's firm yet loving to his children and teaches them what he knows.
Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson had a song called "Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys". Well there is nothing wrong with being a cowboy as long as you are a real/right kind of cowboy. " Cowboy Up !!!"

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt. 3

3. The Doctor

A real man has to be the healer of his family. Not just physically with bumps and bruises, but spiritually and emotionally. Now, I know that God is our absolute healer, what I mean is that the man as head of the household must allow God to work through him in this manner toward his family.
Being the doctor of your family is sometimes like being a real doctor. You have to recognize symptoms and be able to diagnose any illness and prescribe what is needed to cure it. During our marriage, there have been moments when I have had to use discernment for an issue and reveal the root of it and prescribe the medicine of the word. For just an example, an issue of sleeplessness caused by unresolved anger. The cure is simply to forgive by faith and do your best to make the situation right. Just like real doctors, this may sometimes call for consultations with other doctors who have faced the same things.
The husband and father must take care of the spiritual well being of his family, making sure they are spiritually well. The doctor of the family must do his best to take preventive measures. Keeping things from the family that could potentiall cause harm and sickness.
Like real doctors this often a job that requires overtime of prayer and study. Doctors never quit learning, likewise we as husbands, fathers, and disciples must never quit learning. If I had quit learning years ago, I would not have had the knowledge and insight to deal with some of the circumstances I have faced with my family today.
You may not have a D.M. or P.H.D. from an acredited medical school, but you can have one from the best spiritual medical school their is. God's medical school of the bible. I encourage you to dig into the word and find books by ministers that deal with situations you face personally and familywise.

In Christ, Kevin

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt.2

2. The Policeman

A man has to be a the policeman of the family. He has to keep peace and order in the home. A policeman's motto is " To Protect and To Serve ". The policeman has to protect his family and serve the community that is his family.
Being the policeman of the family can sometimes be a hard job. It's hard because when the husband and father has to put on the mantle of policeman, he sometimes makes himself the bad guy, even if it is for the right reasons. Some people don't like policemen and want to complain about the way they do things. Basically, what they are really upset about is the fact they aren't being allowed to do wrong and get away with it. That's the reason you have people who oppose Christians and anything moral. They want to be able to sin and get away with it.
As the policeman a man has to assert his authority. He has to hold his position of authority and inforce/backup his authority with out forcing his authority. When he sees a potential situation he has to step in and put a stop to it. When there is a situation, i.e. between children, he has to find out the facts like a policeman would and then decide the proper course of action.
It is the policeman's job to protect citizens from anything criminal. This could translate into protecting the innocence of his family from " criminal/immoral " things.
I had the privilage of spending a week and a half with a friend of mine who was the police chief of a town near where I live. During that week I was present when someone who had commited a crime was confronted and dealt with in an easy yet lawful manner. I was privey to an on going investigation of a crime. I helped in the search for a potentially dangerous escapee. All these things were in the confines of a policemans duty to "Protect and Serve". We as men must take our places as the policeman, as the just authority of the home and as the policeman be an example of those things.

In Christ, Kevin

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Seven Men A Man Has To Be Pt.1

When we are little boys, we all dream of what we want to be when we grow up. Firefighter, policeman, astronaught, etc. Sometimes we change those ideas or sadly let them go. What we don't realize is that when we do grow up and start a family that regardless of our real profession, is that we have to be all of these people. Not at the same time nor in any particular order, but as the need arises. I have chosen seven men that I believe a man has to be in his life and to his family. The first man is the firefighter.

1. The Firefighter

The idea of the firefighter came from a commercial I saw for the Kirk Cameron movie "Fireproof". I have not yet seen this movie, but here is what ispired me. In the clip Kirk Cameron's character and another are sitting at a table. Kirks friend makes a statement to him like this. " You will rush into a burning building and risk your life for people you don't even know, but you won't try to save your own family".
I thought about this statement and how it pertained to the attitude of divorce we see currently. I know of people whom I never would have thought about them getting divorced that have called it quits.
This is why I believe the firefighter is a needed characteristic among men. The man of the family as the firefighter must learn where and when and what to do to put out fires that can break forth in his family. These fires can be anything from a small disagreement that could potentially become a big arguement to living issues such as bills and payments that may come up unexpectedly. At my job we have a term that we use when issues arise that need immediate attention before they become bigger issues. The term we use is "Putting out fires".
When a firefighter is putting out a fire, he doesn't spray water on the flames. Spraying water on just the flames won't put the fire out. He has to focus the spray of water at the base of the flames to extinguish it. This is kinda like an example of the family. When there is an issue, you must get to the base or root of it to solve it. Lots of people/families will think they have solved an issue or problem because they cease to see smoke or flames, when in reality there is still smoldering coals that could flare up again. Hot coals from a fire can burn long after the absence of smoke and flame. Men, don't avoid those little sparks or that breif smell of smoke. Ladies, women can be firefighters to. Take your places at Fire Station No. 1. Your family.

In Christ, Kevin

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Going Green With God

Going Green or being earth conscious is not a new idea, it has been around for years, just under another name. Environmentalism. People who associate themsleves with the term environmentalist are usually lumped together as certain types of people. Tree huggers, flower children, sandal wearers, etc. They are also thought of as environmental extremeists or enviromental terrorists. People who care so much for " Mother Earth " they are willing to do anything to stop abuses on the environment, even if it means harm to other people.
Most people who are christians or christ followers tend to look upon environmentalists in a not so approving light. Likewise evironmentalists do the same in return.
A while back while working in children'########## I met a young lady who had just started attending our church. In the midst of conversation she stated that she was a vegetarian. Now I have to admit this took me a bit by surprise, only by the fact that you normally don't find vegetarians in church, at least I don't, let alone in a geografical location where the harvesting of deer and eating steak is a way of life. Now I must say that to the extent of vegetarian this young lady was I do not know and I as much as I am ashamed to admit it, due to the fact I am a carnivore all the way, those ill thoughts of vegetarian animal rights fanatics started to cros my mind. Don't hate me yet though, I believe God used this to help spur my thoughts toward His truth on the matter, which is that basis of this article. How does God feel about going green?
I believe God is an evironmentalist. Genisis 1:1 says that " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Genisis chapter one is all about God creating the earth and the environment. In Genisis 1:26, God gives dominion of His creation to man. God's command for man to replenish and subdue the earth is proof that God wants us as decendants and heirs to the creation to carry on the duty of caretaker.
Let me try to make this truth clear. Who's right and who's wrong. Both. You see, on the side of hunters, industry and progress, it is our responsibility to take precautions that we do not do irreparable damage to wildlife and natural resources that God has given us. On the other side of the coin so to speak, as evironmentalists we should never put the value of animal or plant life above that of humans.
I believe the passion for the environment that environmentalist carry is a God given attribute, just mis-aligned and often misplaced. I believe progression toward the future world cannot be achieved without industry to build for the future but not at the expense of our world now.
Is this fence sitting? Not at all. It's living the truth of God's intentions for man. Its good stewardship.